Friday…Getting Interesting

 - No nation was or can be founded on nonsense like DEI, ESG, or any other thinly disguised attempts at socialism. No nation was or will survive that encourages mental illness over societal norms and common sense. No nation can nor will survive without a sense of unity

And yet, we’ve gone out of our way to not just encourage but almost demand the stripping away of morality, ethics, and such.  

- Yesterday I set a personal record for the number of sneezes in a 2 minute period.  Allergy season is here, and it’s brutal.

- Called the doctor’s office for an appointment.  Receptionist says “how about 10 on Friday?”  Told her no, one was enough

- Liberals, then so called progressives, then socialists have ‘advocated’ for ‘change.’  Seems the last few years these self anointed advocates have been replaced with utter anarchists promoting riots, billions in destruction, and a growing number of totally innocent lives lost with little or no retribution.

ACORN, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, Antifa, lone wolf terrorists, millions of illegal aliens from all over the globe, now the threats calling for whatever means necessary violence from people wishing they were something other than what Creator made them. Elected and appointed actors seem to encourage these groups and their actions.  

The question remains: at what point will rules of society, law, and biology return, while maintaining the concepts enumerated in the Constitution?  Frankly I don’t have much hope for our national ways of life.

- The list of things beyond my comprehension is growing faster than I can keep up 

     * Blockchain, Bitcoin, NTFs, and basically any form of currency you can’t put in your wallet

     * If one disagrees, one refers to the other as Nazi, hater, phobic, or something equally inane

     * Why free shipping can take 3 days, but 2 day shipping usually takes 3 days but costs a hell of a lot…usually all comes in the same truck anyway

      * Which government agency will win the upcoming fascist tug of war, the ones who will require masks for everyone everywhere, or the ones who are implementing facial recognition systems in public areas?

- I can safely predict Trump will be the next elected president…assuming national  martial law isn’t implemented soon.

Wednesday.., Yes Please

 - Getting fried chicken in Lubbock is next to impossible.  My 1st experience was a month ago at a KFC. Place was filthy, floors actually sticky, and homeless people sleeping in a booth hidden from the counter.  Past weekend I thought I’d try Church’s, and man…their inside dining room was closed, their drive through intercom broken.  Finally got someone’s attention at the drive through window.  She proceeded to get 2 of the 3 pieces of chicken right, but passed off an extra spicy crust covered unknown object as well.  Fries were limp as worms, but the topper: I asked for anything BUT Dr Pepper to drink, and yet that’s what was in my cup.  Didn’t discover this until 10 miles away.  

You’ve been warned.

- I’ve been snow skiing once, and only once.  Went ice skating once, but only after enough tequila I didn’t know what planet I was on.  I have, however, tried unsuccessfully to surf, have waterskied a few times, parasailed, bungee jumped, zip lined, rappelled off hills and a helicopter, ridden bulls saddle broncs and pump jacks, and voluntarily fallen out of an airplane on a few occasions.  

- To my eyes, the most beautiful girls that evolve into the most beautiful women are the ones that dance the line between “redneck chicks” and “hippie chicks.”  There is an inner beauty, as well as the outer beauty, to them. Country girls, freewheeling girls…the stuff dreams are made of.

- Paul Kossoff was 20, Simon Kirke 21, Paul Rodgers 21, Andy Frazier 18 when “All Right Now” was released…the Buckaroos were all 30 or younger…Allman Bros were in their 20s, The Beatles same…so what the hell happened to young musicians making history?

The real problem is lack of places to pay musical dues and learn the craft.  Playing music isn’t just a past time, it’s a life calling.  If there are just no places to play, then…

- Some places will peel oranges and bananas, then place the fruit in a plastic container for selling.  Here’s an idea like that: bakeries will toast bread, place 2-4 slices in a plastic container, and sell, with instructions to heat the pre made toast in a microwave for 30 seconds…I mean why not? It’s the next progression in lazy stupidity.

- It’s stomach turning to watch the Nashville shooting reactions. More media and political weasels are focusing on the murderer’s transgender items than the dead children. The slaughter of innocent children and adults cannot be the side story, it IS the story, yet even before the brass had cooled scumbags were making this a transgender issue.  This is what’s wrong with humanity right now! Making exceptions for murder, rape, arson, fraud, and general biology instead of holding individuals accountable will only lead to more

I don’t care who you are or your party affiliations: if you blame the gun, not the shooter, then you live in a fantasy world.  How about blaming the shooter?

- Tennessee just passed law allowing the state to maintain its own supply of gold and silver.  Texas has for sometime, I presume there are others.  This is a great move, and a great service to the citizens of states welding on to their own finances.  With the federal government spending money on stupid, often unconstitutional bullshit, there’s just no telling how much longer the dollar will be considered to have any value.

Whatever You Think It’s Still Monday

 - Bad:  A Florida teacher was arrested in February for sexual relations with a 15 yr old student…Worse: said teacher had been warned about his behavior at least three times, in writing, by his superiors.  Apparently it took 4 separate incidents to finally arrest this guy? Wow

- Some people, rightfully so, say the air in Midland Odessa just stinks.  I agree, however spending time outside Lubbock in the middle of cotton fields spanning 5 miles in every direction brings the aroma of fertilizer, weed killers, etc.  I guess it’s a trade off, but to be honest there ain’t an oilfield truck within 50 miles.

- There are currently two possibilities for 2024 POTUS election:  either Trump is elected again or Biden is re-elected.  If Trump is re-elected get ready for another 4 years of utter insanity from media and democrats…if biden re-elected then whatever is left of the American way of life will be gone.

- I finally understand the reason so many pickup truck drivers back into parking spaces, that being safety.  Yes, it is so much easier to pull out of a spot than to maneuver backing out.  One safety factor seemingly ignored though is the trailer hitch. Back in far enough, and the bumper and protruding hitch block walkways.  Life has not fully been lived until not seeing a hitch and busting a shin on one.

- I’m not the guy who seeks revenge (except in practical jokes), but for some reason my mind wandered to interpretations of the concept “eye for an eye.”  Biblically it’s just not cool…the Quran seems kind of back and forth…Hinduism isn’t too fond at all.  So why do 21st century politics and woke societies seem hell bent on revenge?  

Oh, yeah.  Seems humans have simply turned away from actual spiritual teachings to live in the “how can I force the world to live?” mindsets. How have we had to shift from living to just surviving and seeking punishment?

Here’s a thought…perhaps we all should do the things we would not hide from our grandmothers.

Thursday, No Clue What Comes Next

 - A ridiculous article in local news about the drastic increase in vehicles getting hit by trains.  I’ll never understand this.  It’s not like 10 million pounds of trains sneak up on anyone.  It’s not like they are hard to see.  Lord people! If you need someone to tell you to not stop on railroad tracks for any reason, perhaps you should not be driving anything bigger that a shopping buggy.  

- Remember the establishment? Yeah, well…hippies were right when they warned us about them in the 60s.  Maybe NEXT time we’ll all listen, although I’d bet the ranch we won’t.

- The concept of ‘Texas’ is changing, and not for the better. Houston is basically New York City now, Austin in San Francisco East..  No one knows what Dallas/Ft Worth is anymore.  Every grocery store I’ve been to in the last 10 years has food products made in Mexico that are specifically targeted to sell to people from there. Half the area has billboards etc exclusively in Spanish. New parking lots have spaces significantly smaller than those of previous times. I haven’t seen kids riding bikes in a decade.

But there is still a bit of what I remember as Texas out here.  It’s quite normal to see a pickup hauling a loaded horse trailer. Cattle standing around a fence line just off the road can number in the hundreds.  No one cares what color your skin is, as long as you live right. People out here still wave when passing another vehicle in the middle of nowhere, still remove their hats when greeting a lady.

- That said…read an article about a couple of robotics companies already in the initial testing phases of human shaped, upright walking, dexterous hands robots with artificial intelligence capacities.  This could be a good thing! A robot that cleans the house sounds without just scooting along the floor very interesting. 

- Had a catastrophic flip flop mishap…now I have a flip, but no functional flop.

- Some ‘country’ singer named Maren Morris apparently introduced her to Tyler child to some drag queen(s)…some person(s) then criticized her, at which point Ms Morris went on a tantrum.  Ya know what?  I don’t care in the slightest. That’s a personal matter, one that is none of anyone’s business. Stop making people famous for oddball decisions, please?  Just cover actual news 

- The clown car known as biden administration (I’ve run out of quote marks) wants $375 million for something it calls environmental justice.  Here’s a concept: instead of squandering targeted to only certain demographics, make such programs available to ALL Americans.  I’m not black or Hispanic, don’t consider myself poor, but if you’re planning to spend taxpayer money for people 3 miles from here but not me, we’ll…that’s racism and that’s bullshit.

- See ya when I see ya

Wednesday 22 March… Yee Haw

 - Seen:  there are two types of countries…those that use the metric system, and those that have been to the moon.

- The Dodge Challenger is hands down the most powerful production car ever made.  It produces over 1000 HP, goes from dead stop to 60 MPH in 1.66 seconds.  It has also been terminated by Dodge.  The car manufacturer is retooling to accommodate the (frankly bizarre) shift to electric cars.  

What’s scary about this is auto manufacturers seem to be dictating policy now, by eliminating via government demanded ‘fiat’ the concept of choice.  

-  90% of IRS audits are done on small businesses and families making less than $400,000 a year.  Small businesses make up about 2% of our national finances, and when small businesses go belly up, no one seems to give a crap.  About the same percentage of families bring home $400,000 or more.  

Statistically this makes no sense, and I have a theory.  The wealthiest of us are more likely to fight back as they have the financial resources to do so.  If this theory is true, then the IRS seems to pick the weakest targets for audits, much like a predator will seek out the weakest prey

- Dear New York taxpayers: how much of your money is being used in a character political assassination attempt?  More than you probably realize.  If y’all continue to allow this, y’all are willing participants 

- I’ll NEVER understand the concepts of reality TV star, social media influencer, or anything remotely related to social justice. These people are lower on my respect scale than a Pakistani telemarketer selling used sex toys

- Since I was old enough to remember words, I heard the phrase “drunker that Cooter Brown.” (Don’t make that face…you’ve heard, said it, or been it, too).  Anyway, I finally looked up the etymology of the phrase. Interesting word of mouth stories.  Look it up

- Never in my history has the phrase ‘I love my country but despise its government’ rang more true.  

Tuesday…21 March

 - Busy week…3 gigs this week, all before Saturday.  

- Here’s a thought…if one makes money for being an activist, their activism isn’t a cause…it’s a job.

- Fun show to watch is ‘Saving Grace’ starring Holly Hunter.  In a nutshell, you ain’t lived a proper life unless you’ve encountered a redneck chick like this.

- Some years back, Deb and I would visit my folks in San Antonio. They always had their house, then their condo, then their small apartment what we thought was way too warm.  Now, Deb and I are doing the same thing, keeping our home warmer than ever.  Another one of the quirks of aging I guess.

- Until recently I never knew the differences between bourbon and whiskey.  I like the both, but thought the tastes were just different brands, not different brewing and such.  That said, I’ve never tasted a scotch that I thought was any good for anything except as a liquid ashtray.

- Dear TV: when you find it necessary to kill a character’s pet dog or cat, I find it necessary to stop watching your damn show…if you kill someone’s horse, I’ll find it necessary to stop watching your network. Kill all the people you want, but leave the critters alone

- It’s a very simple question: why won’t the US government use the military to defend American citizens and property, but have no qualms about using the military to defend other nations?  The notions of military action vs law enforcement, the nondescript ‘international law,’  etc, are political terms, not binding legal precedents.  Protect OUR nation, not someone else’s. 

- Occasionally you see a TV show or movie during which giant fans are set up to simulate a tornado/severe storm. When I see this in a western or ranch type show, I always wonder if the horses are thinking ‘these damn fools…all they have to do is turn off the fans and the bad weather stops.’

- Need another reason to carry a pistol? Bank jugging.

- I’m not really afraid of the pitfalls of aging…I am, however, somewhat annoyed at the timing of these things.  I got stuff to do, stuff that just doesn’t revolve around Father Time’s schedule

- Not sure how true this is…but I’ve read about a baseball game played in the very late 1800s in which all the bats from both teams were broken.  The next and last batter grabbed an axe, and not only made contact with the pitcher ball, but split the ball in two.  Story says half of the ball went over the fence. The play was ruled half a home run, and the batting team won 2.5 to 2.  Great story, even if…embellished 


Monday Morning Stuff

 - Some things that have popped into my ‘brain’ lately

     * Since the human appendix has not been deleted by the evolution process, there must be a future need for it…

     * I remain disappointed the Gatlin Brothers did not invent the Gatlin gun

     * How do we know for sure artificial intelligence hasn’t already been developed but is hiding its existence?

     * Why is it a hate crime to drive over BLM or gay pride crosswalks in the damn street, but burning a US flag is encouraged?

     * Just a thought, but our notion of society and the American dream started to erode when families needed two incomes to get by

- Observation:  Driving around the Permian Basin, I see garbage everywhere … driving around Lubbock, I really don’t see any. Makes me wonder about the differences. Wind blows the same.

- For the record, I don’t really approve national politicians using social media.  I don’t approve of governors inserting themselves into any other state’s affairs.  That’s not representing your constituents, that’s trying to represent themselves as a cure-all.  

- In a shocking report, science has announced that humanity will run out of things to call racist within 12 months.

- Stupidity isn’t illegal…but stupidity should hurt. Stupidity can be an expression protected by the notion of free speech, but should not be protected from consequences.  Stupidity should not legally be forced into acceptance, nor should legal action preclude stupidity (unless it’s a clear danger to others.)  Stupidity should basically be ignored..

- Last Thursday I played a seniors dance in Lubbock. A grandparent pair brought their 8-9 year old grandkids, a boy and a girl, to the dance, all dressed in proper western attire.  They were so dang cute!  The kicker (pun intended) was these kids could dance…very well. The boy even came up to request a waterfall dance. Smart fella as he got a chance to dance with ALL the ladies.

- The infamous ‘they’ made cigarettes and whiskey much more expensive to (in part or in total) make financial considerations a mitigating factor in purchases.  I’m wondering if ‘they’ are doing the same thing with gas and diesel.  If so, then why does electricity costs continue to rise? 

- Trump is saying he will be arrested for the debunked, tired, worn out story of hush money to a porn personality/hooker…NY ‘prosecutors’ say it’s a campaign finance violation.  I suggest they rethink this, as the act just may trigger an armed revolution.  I don’t care if you like Trump, hate him, whatever, but if this goes through, you, me, and people you love will be next.

- In case the obvious escapes, campaigns to ‘save the earth’ are futile, even ridiculous, unless the entire earth is participating.  For example, the US attempting to be 100% free of pollution only can work when other parts of our planet generate even more pollution than they do now.  Someone has to produce the heavy equipment used to manufacture zero pollution products, be it the vast amount of wire needed, transformers, any and all petroleum based products (that is everything you own, eat, and use, by the way), etc.  The real kick is coming to terms with the fact our planet, every planet known to exist, undergoes constant, often unpredictable, often unpleasant ‘climate change’ and have done so since the dawn of time.

Friday…The World Around Us

 - I’d hazard a guess the people in China don’t have a bone to pick with us, just as we don’t have a bone to pick with them.  Same for Russians.  It’s ain’t the regular guy starting all the shit, it’s the governments, ours included.  My peace plan includes our staying out of other people’s business, and they’ll stay out of ours.

- However…those that do have a bone to pick should remember that when it comes to actually defending our nation, we ain’t lost, ever.  

- An Ancient Greek walked into a tailor’s shop with a torn pair of pants.  The tailor  inquired “Euripides?”

The guy answers “yes…You Mendades?”

- Some “country” singer named Morgan Wallen is in the news. Apparently he released a project with 36 songs on it. Now, every one of those songs is on the Billboard Top 100 chart.  Every single one! This has never before been done by any artist, any genre, ever.

I had never as much of heard of this guy, much less heard his music. I gave a listen, and didn’t care much for the production (at all) but he’s got some good songs.  Still…placing 36 simultaneous Billboard placing is really something.

- We the people really need to put a stop to bureaucrats writing policy that contradicts current law.  EPA, CDC, a hundred others, seem to make up more rules than lawmakers…none of which have our best interests at heart.

While we are at it…let’s do away with congressional perks. Let them at their own way, like all of us do

- Why do leftists promote drag Queen readings for children, anyway? Would they have the same vehement support for combat veterans readings?  How about police officers? Makes sense to me to have readings from people that understand basics like integrity 

- I didn’t like my goatee at first…but then it grew on me

I Just May Be Back…On A Limited Basis

 Hey y’all…less than a dozen people asked me if/when I was going to do this thing again. Normally I’d hesitate, but those 6 folks are mighty nice, and I’ve known them for more than a decade…so here goes.

I switched from Wordpress to Google’s Blogger for a couple reasons: Google is basically a freebie whereas Wordpress cost some hefty bucks; any political problems I had with Google have been surpassed by previous publishing places; and frankly, I just thought a new format would motivate me.

I’d like y’all’s thoughts on how I should go about this.  Somewhere on this site is a click to subscribe (I think), so if you’d just like to get an e-mail announcing new entries, there ya go.  If you’d prefer to click a link from Facebook, that’s an option too.  

One thing for certain is I won’t be setting my alarm clock to get up early enough to publish and put a link on Facebook. I’m old, dammit, and need my beauty sleep

I’ve opted to moderate comments again, as there are far too many keyboard warriors, trolls, and such. Please note that should you subscribe (or not), comment (or not), etc, at no time do I keep track of nor share visitor information.  I haven’t monetized this blog, nor is it an option.

Thanks…hope to see you folks around.


 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...