- Maybe just me…but I’m getting the impression the warfare we are seeing right now will be a global matter before much longer. So called Houthi pirates using drones, IEDs being smuggled into the US, Hamas placing military operational targets in schools and hospitals, as many illegal aliens entering our nation as there were in WW2 Nazi and Imperial Japanese forces combined…and Washington DC wasting its time and our money on seriously stupid crap.
I’m believing exactly 100% of incumbents at the national level should be replaced…90% of lifelong bureaucrats ousted…90% of every lettered agency (CIA, FBI, BIA, all of them) summarily fired with prejudice.
- Weird motivational poster: if you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never let yourself down…
- It does seem pretty odd that people can steal $950 worth of stuff PER TRIP from stores without fear of prosecution, yet other people come under pretty intense scrutiny if they spend $600 online shopping. It seems it’s just easier to steal
- A phrase being tossed around again is ‘soft bigotry of low expectation’ or basically saying that crime, lack of academic integrity, drug use, decline of the nuclear family, you name it, are excused for people who fall outside the parameters of long established acceptable conduct. But I suggest being a certain skin color isn’t an excuse for chosen behaviors, choice is. Being outside previous and long standing norms of sexual orientation is not an automatic alibi for public lewdness or indoctrination. Put another way, it’s one things to choose an extra normal life, it’s another thing to force others into it, and it’s totally something else to demand extra normal lifestyles be given excuses for failure instead of motivation to succeed
- Parallel to this…why are chickens such popular dining foods? Why not have sweet and sour penguin, skillet fried owl, baked egret, and combination beef and roadrunner fajitas?
- One thing that seriously annoys me is supposedly educated people trying to rewrite actual history to read as if people who start wars are the victims, and are the heroes in humanity. To wit: professors and media stating without a doubt that Bethlehem is in Gaza. A 2d grader could look on any map and find that’s not true. If so easy to debunk, why say it at all? Oh, yeah…facts don’t matter with anti American fanatics.
- Had a nice Zoom visit with brother in Tulsa and sister in Wimberley Tuesday. Ain’t none of us can be classified as spring chickens, so Zoom it is.
- The word of the day is “jabonies.” According to the pop culture entries into US English it was first used by former wrestler Dwayne The Rock Johnson…but he apparently was mispronouncing it as jabronies, meaning athletes of significantly lesser skills participating in events to make the stars look that much better. I KNEW my dad used the term jaboney when describing certain obviously stupid people (almost always political figures) in the mid 1960s. Seems the first actual recorded use of the word was in a novel published in 1931. So now…you know.