Friday, Man That Week Blew Right On By

 - So…Tucker Carlson will be exclusively on Twitter.  Ah, well. I’m betting a lot of his audience isn’t interested in that platform, they (we) just want to watch the show without too much hassle.

- We need to stop calling them undocumented migrants, and return to illegal aliens.  Migration implies a return to a starting point. I’m not sure the nonstop entry is an invasion per se, but it’s not migration.  Ya know, the best ways to stop all this is to: stop giving these people our taxpayer money…consider not just deportation but physical exile…no statute of limitations, illegal entry to our nation 25 years ago is still illegal entry…make every crime in our nation carried out by an illegal a Class A Federal felony…start judicial processes against those who facilitate illegal alien activity as aiding and abetting criminals.

- Midland, Lubbock, all of west Texas is predicted to see significant rain all week. We shall see.

- Our nation has a  +/- $32 trillion debt. This amounts to roughly $94,000 for each American citizen, even the ones born 5 minutes ago. I’m not naive enough to expect a bill payable on receipt; the bill comes annually in April, every time you put gas in your car, every time you work a non-cash job, etc.  Sadly, we just have no way to ever pay these debts. Who are we actually paying, anyway? How old are said debts? 

- Speaking of debt…I don’t need a government report telling me inflation is still absurdly high. I just need a trip to the grocery store.

- Loyalty is something that must be given to our Constitution, not to any man in office.  By dedicating to individuals instead our fundamental blueprint, they have rendered that blueprint essentially worthless.

- An Odessa teacher is on ‘administrative leave’ following a complaint she (gasp!) spanked a child.  My parents complained once that my teachers didn’t spank me enough.  I’m going out on a limb here, but bring spankings and quiet time for prayer of meditation back to schools, and we’ll see an 80% drop in so called problem children

- Some states like California are looking for ways to pay “reparations “ to blacks (and only blacks) for whatever reason. What other states do is their business, but…I believe like all other matters federal funds will be requested/demanded or siphoned off from legit federal money.  I’d propose a limit on how much federal assistance a state can receive based on total citizen population, not based on ethnicity.  Anything over this limit is, well, sorry Charlie.  Of course limits don’t apply for disaster relief.  Any federal disaster monies found to be diverted for reparations, benefits for illegals, etc, shall result in charges of money laundering 

- Wednesday evening got told of the passing of not one, but two people I knew fairly well. All this comes after a couple days of pondering the futility of my own existence. RIP Nick Carlton and Robert Lathrop.

- So…the House GOP releases a report outlining the Biden cartel receiving in the area of $10 million in unethical if not totally illegal foreign payments. The ensuing options are a. Impeachment (disaster choice, as in/when convicted we have President Kamala Harris)…b. Biden will ride it out/ignore it land be removed by socialist dems when he’s no longer convenient (my guess this is what will happen)…c. Positively absolutely nothing (close second guess)

Whatever occurs, we just can’t keep our republic form of government functioning this way. Yet again, every moment and every nickel invested in Beltway shenanigans is a moment/nickel spent in NOT doing anything at all for we the people 

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...