Friday? Friday…Friday!

 - I wonder why parents of twins don’t name their kids ‘Minnesota’ and ‘Siamese’ more often.

- So now an IRS whistleblower is *reportedly* saying Hunter Biden funneled illegal payments to the Biden family through Red China…I’m thinking this is about to get real ugly (uglier)

- Young Japanese fellow named Shohei Ohtani is currently showing the world how baseball is supposed to be played.  A pitcher for the LA Angels, Ohtani current leads all of Major League Baseball in hitting home runs, and is close to the top in ERA, stolen bases, etc. This is the kind of baseball I grew up watching, not the SJWs demanding this or that. 

- A news article tried to explain the 30 days heat wave we are enduring.  Article explained the high pressure dome (factual) and the heat would likely continue (estimate made on scientific data and history). But the whole thing turned into a steaming pile when it made the statement the pressure dome was exacerbated by climate change.  As soon as I saw that, I stopped reading.

Why? Am I a blind Luddite white supremacy right winger? No, because people who make such claims do so with either an intentional or accidental political agenda.  Our planet, certain regions therein, are cyclic. Some of these cycles take 1 year, some take 100 years, some take 50,000 years, some take longer.

What’s most troubling in these forms of skewed news is the phrase climate change has been wrongly adopted to insinuate said changes are man made. That’s an important distinction. Paying higher taxes isn’t going to do much to a climate cycle tat takes 10,000 years to complete.

- In bad news/good news department. Bad: Our air conditioner, which has run nonstop for 11 days, quit. Good: the circuit breaker located on the outside of the house south side, popped…thank God it wasn’t anything serious or expensive, a string to to AC servicing right now is like waiting a week to ten days. As it is, AC been running right for 2 hrs as of this writing and temp has dropped a total of 3 degrees.

- Genuinely true statement: it is so friggin hot here that a can of cinnamon rolls on the way home from the store popped open. Thankfully the sugar bomb frosting made it into the fridge before it oozed everywhere

- Thanks to those providing input to the readability of fonts on these pages. Hope I got something now that  is easy on everyone’s eyes

- Dunno about you…but I’m still proud to be an American…yeah, warts and all.  One thing I know it nitpicking at piddly shit ain’t gonna result in anything except our demise. Focus on things that matter, all of us. 



 - Wars are stupid…wars that don’t directly deal with American lives and interests should be illegal and grounds for immediate impeachment.  Consider Vietnam, Angola, Sudan, Iraq,  Ukraine, soon to be Taiwan, the list seems endless: how many actual American lives were saved vs how many lost? How much of our money spent saving someone else while our own people are killed or living in unbearable condition?  How about we stay out of other people’s business and save countless lives HERE 

While I have unwavering support of our troops, I have undeniable mistrust of those sending them to engage in mortal combat for basically inane reasons. It’s long past time to completely rethink our stance. Stop sentencing our grandkidS to fight, die, and pay for other’s problems

- Speaking of things that NEVER end, nor will they…abortion debate.  Was a big deal 50 years ago, still is.  If this is still a debate, than it’s pretty much political treachery , not an issue.

- Things that keep me awake at night, #3,791: most know that certain creatures can see and hear wavelengths that are far beyond human abilities…is it possible there are lifeforms (from insects to small civilizations) coexisting on Earth that we simply cannot see, and their visual/auditory abilities can’t see us?  Same question applies to life on other planets. My bet is that if there are such advanced lifeforms, they never went through stages of making up genders or disco.

- Many (many many) years ago my sweetie and I were traveling somewhere and stopped at a McDonalds right off IH10 on the Fredericksburg highway. The place was clean enough, and there wasn’t much of a crowd, but the gal behind the counter has been forever etched in our history. She was a pretty attractive, tall, kind of athletic woman, mid 20s, that spoke with a heavy Russian or Ukrainian accent. The most remarkable thing was she was sporting a beehive hairdo that would put mid 60s Dolly Parton to shame.  With her hair up, she was likely 6’7” or so. As I stood in awe placing our order, Deb was nearly hurting herself trying not to giggle. 

- Last Saturday, the impossible happened. I was expecting a package scheduled to be delivered on Saturday, and it *actually arrived*.  We live in an area that’s been zoned office space for decades, and as such USPS usually blows off any deliveries until the following Monday as most businesses in this area are closed on weekends. But not this time! They came through with flying colors.

- An oft published researcher from Harvard has been caught falsifying her data…on a series of papers studying consumer honesty.  Sometimes, Captain Obvious does make an appearance.

- Speaking of obvious…sometimes I get annoyed, mostly get tickled at completely unnecessary signage and warning labels. Examples include ‘bridge may freeze up in cold weather’… ‘do not ingest contents of battery’… ‘do not use this product while sleeping’ … ‘falling off this ladder may result in injury’… 

- I’ve gotten to a point in which I don’t get jokes occasionally. Need to look up key words that fall outside my old man’s vocabulary.

- One joke I do get: thanks goodness it’s not snowing. Could you imagine shoveling snow in this heat.

- Something I don’t understand about pop culture is the fervor over people expressing their opinions.  Celeb A says something, it’s in the news. Sports figure B says something, it’s in the news. Dipshit guitar player Z says something, and less than 30 people on the entire planet care (1 of which is Blogger’s AI algorithm)…

What’s really strange is how Celeb A gets all sort of exposure and likely residual money…Sports figure B gets exposure and residuals…Dipshit guitar player Z gets dirty looks from 20 people, a ‘nice blog ‘ from 9 people, and increased scrutiny from 1 algorithm.

(Yes, I’m Dipshit guitar player Z)

- Gameshows used to have interesting hosts with typically smarter than average contestants. These days, the hosts are basically obnoxious geeks with absolute morons as contestants.  Yes, there are some refreshing exceptions, but dang, y’all…saw one in which none of the six adult contestants knew there were 26 letters in the alphabet

- Amazing how strong inverse correlations can be. The higher/longer temps stay over 105, the dumber drivers seem to be.

Monday…Again, Still, or Continuation

 - Last week had another occasion to drive to Lubbock for a music event. Left Midland, gas $3.29, Lubbock gas $2.81…so tell me again how these prices are so dang disparate, because whatever you say, I’ll know it’s overflowing with bull feathers.

- Tornadoes in the news here again.  The towns of Matador and Routan seem hardest hit. The storms seem to have taken the joke about tornadoes and mobile homes seriously, as almost no damage to the latter…but the devastation to the formers is pretty intense.

- Epee fencing is supposed to be a sport enriched by a long history of sportsmanship and grace. At it was until one Curtis McDowald on the US team brought NBA level trash to the game. This weenie didn’t like an outcome, and slapped his winning opponent’s hand away before kicking and destroying a sign, throwing his helmet, etc. McDowald was disqualified from competing anymore, and his entire team suffered the possibility/probability they will not be allowed to enter the upcoming Olympics. Perhaps leaving the ghetto 

- Just not into the memes and jokes about the sightseeing Titanic sub demise. Those were actual people onboard who most likely did not express any desire to die in such awful conditions.

- Some believe there are magical, mystical relationships in numbers.  I just giggling that the high temp the other day was exactly the same number as my last golf score and last bowling score.

- Last Friday these web hosts flagged my blog post as being outside community guidelines. No idea why. No violence except reporting news of crime in my neighborhood resulting in a death.  No sexual posts or nudity 

Other things happening Friday morning, all before my first cup of coffee include: cat barf bombs strategically placed to insure maximum damage, toilets not flushing, broke 3 cigarettes getting them out of the box, monster headache, forgot to activate coffee maker first thing. All these things are generally reserved for Mondays.

But wait! There’s more. Wanted to get some errands done real early, so I could quick out quick back home. Ended up with one flat tire and the other one half way there. $600 bucks out the door. Walgreens would not honor the coupon they printed 3 days ago, but couldn’t tell me why. Someone threw a large jar of pickled eggs at the intersection by the house I ALWAYS use, shattering said jar, glass as big as softballs(when I got home, I went out and swept it off the street).  

- Let’s compare judicial treatments … Hunter Biden basically walks, Hilary Clinton has walked for decades, Schiff, Clapper, Swalwell, et al will never be charged with anything, the guy who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt still a free man, etc. now look at people remotely involved in Jan 6 matters, Trump’s ongoing harassment, lawful gun owners, etc.. 

I’m not implying anything: I’m coming right out and saying that there are *at least* two distinct tiers of justice…also known as a caste system 

- The ‘intel community’ has released its assessment of the origins of the Chinese flu…basically confirming what we thought all along. The Chinese flu almost certainly originated in a Wuhan lab.  Gee, who’d a thunk it?

- A Delaware city is proposing allowing corporations to vote in local elections.  When I had a sole proprietor corporation years ago, it was registered in Delaware as their fees and such were exponentially lower than anywhere else. If I were still an active corporate entity I’d have a say so in what goes on in Delaware.…just…wrong


 - There are more scams now than legit offers of transaction. Fake clothing brands, fake factory outlet sales, fake microphones, fake insurance, fake everything.  Maybe, just maybe, normal society is partly responsible as we’ve become accepting, if not encouraging, fake boobs, fake lips, fake butts, fake genders, fake people making millions from fake internet accounts. Seems we the people prefer fakes

- Over the years people have asked me what kind of girl my girl Deb is.  I usually reply with part Beth Dutton, part Joy Hickey, part Doris Day, and all mine. Which part you get is how you treat her and me

- There used to be a saying ‘don’t poke the bear.’ As I understand it, this meant leaving things alone, lest they come up and bite you. Does anyone abide by this notion anymore? 

Our history and lore is chock full of examples of poking the bear, but actual consequences are only a factor when the bear is, well, badass enough to retaliate from being poked. THAT is a fundamental change in modern society. The point, don’t poke the bear unless you want the bear to take it personally and deal with it on the bear’s’ terms

- This is a busy week. Gary Nix and West! Texas is filming some podcast material today for the city of Lubbock, Friday White River Marina in Spur, then Saturday Midland for a dance club soirée. 

- We're all familiar with the ripple effect, a series of unexpected events because ONE person somewhere inadvertently caused an eternal ripple in the plans and participations of untold others.  For example, a doctor is called away from his normally scheduled in office appointments. 25-30 people scheduled to be seen are now rescheduled, are pissed off, and likely will cause further ripples in their interactions with others.  The Ripple Effect continues.

However, when I was a teenager, the Ripple Effect was basically an explanation of sorts to try and detail the astonishingly stupid crap I did under the influence of cheap wine. To be honest, I don't know which had more impact in my existence, things totally out of my control or things done totally within my control.  At age 67 I tend to believe they all have evened out by now.

- Might be a good time to remind us all that exactly NO candidate in human history will be agreed with on every issue, and not every issue is a Litmus test.  Pick the candidate who represents you, your family, your neighbors…not by influence from people who’ve never been more than 25 miles from the ocean 

- I’ve heard a few comments from friends and readers my blog is a bit difficult to read on some devices. So I’m experimenting with a few fonts…if you like one, hate one, or whatever, please let me know. Thanks.

- So…noted celebrity crackhead and all around shitty human being Hunter Biden is in the process of cutting a plea bargain. Gee, my faith in the system took another nosedive. Take him to trial and if guilty, put him in prison. You know, the same treatment you or I would get in the same circumstances.

Monday, June Nearly Done

 - I get flustered when our legal system encourages certain settlements. The only justice seems to be measured in dollars, to hell with what’s actually the right thing to do. The current bastardized system of law has nothing to do with justice, it appears to be just another way for some to make a great deal of money.

- Needed to apply a clear coat over some signatures on a guitar pickguard.  Removed all knobs, pickups, etc, and took pickguard outside. As I was shaking the can to mix it up, there was literally no breeze. As soon as I put my finger on the nozzle and started spraying, wind kicked up to 20MPH…THIS LITERALLY HAPPENED EACH OF THE 4 TIMES I APPLIED A COAT. I’m telling ya, it’s all a plot

- The US Space Force is already doomed. First, anything Donald Trump enacted in already canceled or in the process.  Even if ‘government’ keeps the Space Force, they are doomed to squandering a valuable program because of woke stupidity. Case in point, LTG (3 stars) stated she will prioritize LGTB+++ matters for officers over mission requirements. Seriously, God help us

- Speaking of immeasurable ignorance, Joe Biden said the other day he already has plans to build a railroad over the Indian Ocean. Just STFU and save it for your impeachment 

- Watched the first two Back to the Future flicks the other day.  They DAMN sure got society wrong in the second one.  Instead of levitation, we got surgical methods to turn boys into boys that look like girls…I know it was a comedic spoof of the future, but causes me to wonder

Where would we be if we hadn’t absolutely wasted until trillions on wars we had no business being in…of rebuilding communities destroyed by progressives and anarchists who only exist to bite the hand that feeds them…the Chinese flu fiasco…Solyndra and other government boondoggles in which some people got insanely rich…absurd funding spent on criminals who are here because we give them absurd money.

- Do they still add a tiny bit of mercury in a newborn’s eyes to ward off chlamydia? 

- Do  I mimes have telephones? Did Ray Charles have a television?  These kinds of things keep me awake sometimes 

- I completely understand the constitutional development of certain offices such as Postmaster General and Attorney General.  However I do not understand the lack of citizen oversight, facilitated by the use of such offices for political gain. It’s apparent to most anyone with a minimum of 7th grade comprehension that the DoJ basically enforces laws based on the political slant of those investigated, and the Post Office union has a history of actively promoting democrats while ignoring or overtly refuting conservatives.

- Why is an endoscopy done from the throat? With its name you’d think it would be used for the other side.

- The once useful ACLU is angry the state of Florida did not provide ‘gender affirmation care’ and such to a male on death row before his execution . Said male raped and murdered a 14 yr old girl, then a 38 yr old mother. The truth of the matter is people on death row should be given food, water, and that’s about it.

Friday, End of Your Work Week, Beginning of Mine

 - Time Magazine threatens the world with an article bemoaning that tequila is bad for the environment.

- Man has his house all linked via Amazon Alexa to be essentially a smart home.  However, a delivery guy, wearing headphones and walking away from the smart doorbell, *thought* he heard a racial slur from said doorbell and reported it (this in itself is ludicrous…grow up). Subsequently Amazon then denied access to everything connected to Alexa smart home.  Lights, internet, communication, basic appliance usage, etc, all off for a week until Amazon could fix it.

So many things here! First off, it’s not against the law to be racist. If it were most of the government would be in jail. A guy wearing headphones ***thought*** he heard something? That’s justification to deny access for what the victim was paying for? Hell no it’s not. Taking an entire week to fix it is insane.

The thing that really grabbed my attention was the utter reliance on technology. Ever heard of a door key and a light switch? Jeez people…use some dang common sense

- Conservative host Andrew Wilkow said once that government is no more than a powerful corporation with the (seemingly) legal authority to enforce corporate policies with deadly force. Anyone doubting that might crack open a newspaper or other source to see what he means.

- Every sci fi TV program seems to feature a) aliens only landing and interacting with big city folks and b) our guys only encountering small villages with real simple folks.  Why would our guys go trillions of miles just to meet up with a town with 30 people?

- Once again, the only flag in residential areas I saw flying was ours…on Flag Day, no less

- At the grocery store yesterday, overhead a man chatting with his 6 yr old son, when the boy asked “dad, what’s a forklift?”  The old man answered “food son..almost always food.”

- Further evidence there is an endgame: cash is being eliminated one way or the other. One cannot take rolls of coins to their bank anymore. Banks turn these folks/us folks away sending customers to a coin Star or similar machine. Coins deposited, but for a fee. Seems one cannot just deposit their own cash into an account. 37 forms of ID, a blood and stool sample, 2 letters of reference, 4 sworn affidavits pledging allegiance to LBTQ+, and a promissory note to vote for social justice are required to deposit $500 into one’s own bank account.

Since banks won’t take MY coins, who takes kiosk money? If the fed is so concerned with it, they’d issue a policy requiring transactions be rounded up (never down) to the nearest dollar.  An item costs $12.15, then $12.15 would be charged to a card of sorts. If a person pays cash, then they’d pay $13.

And while I’m on the rant, gas prices have been false for decades. $3.15 a gallon is advised, but in reality it’s $3.16 after the .009 cents tax is added.  True, that’s not a lot, but it’s still my money, not theirs.

- The House of ‘Representatives’ took a vote to outlaw gas stoves. No mention of where all electric stoves will get their power. Not necessary, it’s the evil oil and gas that must be eliminated…dumbasses


 - So… Major League Baseball player happens to be a Christian.  He spoke out in support of boycotts of LBGQ+++++++++  organizations, and received all sorts of grief from his team, the league, etc. so he apologized for making his thoughts. Didn’t matter, team fired him. let’s do the same thing for those caught up in BLM kneeling fads and pressure.

- Getting older is one thing, but its something altogether different when age and other factors interfere with my gigging.  Saturday for example, Gary Nix and West! Texas played a 3 hr gig during the day, then 3.5 later that night.  Today is Wednesday, and I'm STILL feeling it.

- A trannie, who met the president during the so called pride event on the White House lawn Sunday, decided to show off his artificial boobs right then and there. Topless prancing on the White House lawn. THIS is not pride, this is a bullshit laden show of disrespect for the White House and the American people. Now do you wonder why I abhor what you do? Not you personally, but what you do. Stop being such an irreverent ass

Now of course the White House condemned the act…just like they condemn me personally for being a white older gun toting veteran…so that condemnation just does not amount to diddly squat 

- I brought the grandson into my studio area, under close supervision and a definite don’t touch agreement. The boy, I say the boy was flabbergasted at the number of guitars, mics, computer gizmos in there.  Showed him how it was done.  I’m hoping that exposure will give him a spark that will carry on for life.

- Overheard: I don’t mind crowds…I just mind all the people in them.  Can I get an A-men?

- God gained another Angel yesterday.  Was notified of the passing of a long time friend Charlotte C.  I knew her as a kind soul, always smiling, always having a good time.  As John Anderson sang ‘little Charlotte is a darling, and the apple of my eye…’ she will be missed

- Some representative has drafted impeachment resolutions for both Biden and Harris.  This is backwards: the criminal case against biden must proceed, then before harris can be sworn in, impeach her. 

See y’all on the flip side

Monday…Malicious Madness

 - I have a working theory: transgender activists, Antifa, similar groups, act out like they do because they don’t have enough constructive things to. None of needs to look anything up, think independently, memorize anything, apply elbow grease. Idle hands are indeed Satan’s playthings

- Is it just me, or are bottles, jars, nearly everything a hell of a lot more difficult to open now than 10-15 years ago?  Yeah, I know

- Two slices of bread got married in a very expensive and swanky wedding. I’m told it was all going very well unto it was time to toast the bride

- Golly gee whilakers…another Trump indictment…for bullshit he’s already been indicted of once. It’s almost like this is a national wide orchestrated hit job, harass the man for who he is, not what he does…

The bigger picture is how this crime ring known as democrats can target their greatest political opponent with not one, but two indictments, with more likely on the way.  Can’t decide if this is banana republic stuff or Gestapo stuff

- Thought: demand is a stronger societal urge than supply.  Regardless of product, if there is a demand, there WILL be a supply.  Petroleum…drugs…cigarettes…electronics…guns…you name it. This is the fundamental business model of the age old concept of black marketing. Until the buyers no longer supply money to the sellers, no amount of laws and regulations will stop it.

This *should* be evident by closely looking at the alleged war on drugs. It’s been going on for 50 some odd years but the product seems to be more prevalent than ever. Human trafficking? Weapons? Are there any products one can’t buy? Nope. If the public wants something, they will find a way to get it.

- Few days ago a story broke about an alleged whistle blower stating the US and other governments have honest to God intact and partial UFOs…and the bodies of their occupants. That story disappeared faster than a feather in a tornado. This is a story every Homo sapien currently alive should be screaming to hear the truth of the report.

If said UFO personnel (is that the right description?) were to offer Deb and I a lift to their home, we’d be on the ship before the question could be finished, provided that

     * I could take some guitars

     * There’d be Makers Mark whiskey, some wine, and enough cigs to last us

     * The like classic country music

     * Deb could still make her skillet fried chicken.

Everything else would be a minor detail 

- Seems California is considering a bill that would punish parents who do not/will not ‘affirm’ their own child’s transgender choices, even if they are momentary. Parents who fail to refer to their warped son as a normal daughter risk having their children seized by Child Protective Nazis and placed in “gender affirmation friendly” foster care. 

- To a large degree I agree with the concept ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’  Note the nuance, village…not a government comprised of nitwits who can’t differentiate between a boy and a girl; not cretins that don’t allow appreciation for traditional values and events; not brain donors that see every conceivable event resulting from man made climate change or some slant on racism/supremacy.

When I was a young boy, my education was based on how to think, not what to think. My parents showed me several paths to being a decent human being (those lessons are still being revisited, relearned).  

My dad grew up during the depression.  During the often brutal winters in Virginia he didn’t have a coat, but instead of whining he stuffed old newspaper under his shirt and went to school…grew up in a really rough household without anything close to a father figure or positive male role model…he turned out pretty good. So if he could, why not others?

- Other day I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling…though to myself ‘it’s the the perfect ceiling…but it’s up there.’

Friday, I Believe

 - In an unprecedented round of stupidity, California governor is contemplating filing kidnapping charges against Texas and Florida for shipping illegal aliens to the entity formerly known as The Golden State.  Yes, kidnapping.  Following that line of “thinking” if someone breaks into my house and assuming they survive the homeowner reaction, are taken away by police, that is also kidnapping.  It takes an incredible amount of energy to be that damn goofy

- Food for thought: Some 66 million years ago a huge asteroid struck the earth, pretty much rendering most large surface animals to die in a very short time. This event was basically the reason other life forms evolved. Sucked for the dinosaurs but if it didn’t happen, chances are we would not have evolved past pre-land based critters.

- The ‘mayor’ of New York ‘City’ is now suggesting illegal aliens be housed in private residences, with hosting homeowners being paid to do so instead of hotels, leased apartments, etc.

While I was literally typing this, my mind flashed ‘what’s next? Indentured servitude, feudalism, perhaps slavery?’ 

- So…Chris Christie is throwing his hat in the GOP POTUS ring.  How about NO. The guy is more self servicing democrat and is as likable as a hemorrhoid.  Brings nothing to the table…at all.  A brief look at recent history of so called conservative candidates shows John McCain and Mitt Romney led the way to Barack Obama, who nearly destroyed the nation with his back door organized crime tactics and media promoted image of a Messiah.  

Yes, elections have consequences, but not just in the term of office.  Twenty years and longer will still be negatively impacted by atrocious candidates

- We used to have enough snails, lizards, foxes, dove, etc living in our yards to be classified as ranchers by the city. Still see snails, but lizards are pretty much gone, foxes only pass through, birds stop by the flap off elsewhere.  Never seen a snake here, skunks learned to steer clear. Squirrel population has been culled since our trees are no longer…I’m guessing it’s all because of the 3-4 neighborhood cats.

And I’m good with all that.

- Seen: Your triggers are your responsibility. It’s not my responsibility to tip toe around your feelings.  Can I get an A-MEN?

- A guy named Monroe Lace who is reportedly living life as a woman was crowned Miss San Francisco not long ago. Now he’s in the running for Miss California. I’m just not sure where this will end.  Guess there are just no boundaries anymore. Pretty soon we might see trans-puppies entering into and eventually winning the Westminster Dog Show, or legal action being taken to temporarily disable a horse’ front legs to allow humans a chance to compete in the Kentucky Derby.

Harrison Bergeron is upon us and soon to be surpassed 

- Gee…the smoke from Canadian wildfires is choking New York.  How dare pollution not obey political boundaries?  NOW do you see why climate control efforts are a gigantic waste of money?  So why do we put up with it?  Easy answer: because those advocates stand to lose out on a WHOLE bunch of money if we don’t comply

- I confess.  I absolutely love Multi Grain Cheerios, preferably straight out of the box as a snack. The problems munching them are multi fold, though. First, once I start it’s very difficult to stop. Secondly, like a toddler, I drop some. They end up on the floor, cracks on the couch, even my dang t shirt pocket.  Without any dawgs around these things can accumulate pretty fast. Lastly, even though there are similarities between Cheerios and donuts, the similarities are only in shape

Wednesday…Or Is It?

 - I’m just not a fan of these things called podcasts, as I prefer actual reading. Luddite, perhaps, but it’s a choice. 

- Pride month? I’m not going to pretend to be proud of something I’m not very proud of, and has zero bearing on me, mine, or anything I actually care about. Truth is, sexual preference is not a matter to be proud of, nor is promoting one lifestyle while denouncing the lifestyle encouraged by millions of years of evolution. To me this makes as much sense as drilling a hole in your head and installing a 3rd eyeball.

If you want to be “proud” of something, be proud…just don’t demand I join in, encourage, or even recognize that.

- I abhor property taxes, but understand state and county reliance on them. One way to look at them is property taxes were basically extortion when first conceived and implemented, but the system has been around so long now, we consider taxing our homes based on what someone else thinks they are worth has become status quo. Now, Texas governor Greg Abbott is looking into ways to abolish the system.

Okay…but how will the billions of dollars property taxes spent will be replaced? I don’t know either, but you can bet it will cost each homeowner a lot more to stay in our hovels. Texas currently has $35 billion in the state coffers that Abbott wants to tap into. Great idea! What happens after that money is gone, though? What happens when oil/gas is no longer the governmental cash cow?

- University of North Texas is providing fake male genitalia for women pretending to be men to wear giving them a bulge in their pants.  This…is damn stupid

- Our nation is now in the unique point in human history in which more (most?) seem to claim they are a victim of something or other. Far too many are making a good living being professional victims. How in God’s name are we supposed to advance as a society when so many are pissing and moaning about how they’ve been suppressed?  Answer: we can’t.

- Today’s ‘people just suck’ award…the other day a Cessna Citation jet entered the no fly zone over the US capital.  Seems the pilot was non responsive, and the aircraft flying on autopilot or something. Two F16 interceptors broke the sound barrier responding to the incident over Washington DC.  The private jet eventually crashed in Virginia, killing all four aboard, presuming they weren’t already deceased from a catastrophic loss of cabin pressure.

The recipients of the suck awards are those who publicly stated those onboard deserved to die for their political positions.  Some went as far as saying they hoped the youngest fatality, a 2 yr old, suffered tremendously.

It’s subhumans like this that rapidly chip away at my faith in our species.

- That said, I’m further dismayed at how little the news shocks and surprises me. Growing accustomed to this stuff is not a good sign.


 - What a weekend…just exhausting but dang sure had a large time. Except for Noah’s Ark level rain, highways closed, misplacing things that were in my hand at the time, etc…

- I do believe I’m the only person left on earth that has the courtesy of flipping headlights from bright to normal when driving though. Some people just do not grasp the concept, others do but just don’t care, so it seems.

- Joe Biden suffered a fall the other day.  Hey…it happens, to all of us, regardless of age. Poke fun all you want at his innumerable shortcomings, but cut him some slack on the fall.

- Weird…some years ago, a young Japanese college student began a relationship with her professor 35 yrs her senior. Started out innocently but evolved into a physical matter.  Eventually she reported it. Professor paid some consequences.  Oddly professor’s wife countersued under some quirk in Japanese law, saying that even though her husband was likely guilty, the pain of the plaintiff’s legal actions caused harm to wife’s marriage.  Wife won her case, causing plaintiff to have to pay.  This is just weird

- The tragedy known as Lori Lightfoot is now a professor teaching public safety at some university. During Lightfoot’s reign as Chicago mayor, literally thousands were murdered because of her policies, which she will now be teaching

- We continue to hear of Trump, deSantis, Scott, everyone a little to the right of socialism, being slammed by media, of nearly every foreign nation being accused of interfering with our elections, yadda yadda…When will we hear of the lettered government agencies unfettered assaults, media, hyper wealthy, etc actually doing what they can to sway election outcomes, usually focused on baseless bullshit? The First Amendment MUST stand, so what can be done? Apparently the only recourse is to financially obliterate those hiding behind the First?  I just don’t know.

- While mowing an already too deep back lawn, found a dead kitten.  Poor thing apparently just passed away, looked to be only a couple months old.  Gawd do I hate that. Yes death is a part of all life, but still.

- Speaking of yard work… our property isn’t the biggest by any means, but has lots of twists, turns, etc.  short story: I’m just too old for this shit

- For some damn reason, the question came up “what do you call a male ballerina?”  Answer is danseur…now let’s never discuss this again

- A ‘news article’/‘op Ed’ the other day relayed the thought that Kamala Harris is one fall away from the presidency.  Maybe that’s the idea: orchestrating an incapacitating fall from Biden would address the ‘what to do with this feeble minded simpleton?’ and swear in a mixed race female, albeit a complete idiot, but checks all the demographic boxes. Anyone not voting her in as POTUS or actually questioning her competence is automatically labeled sexist and racist.

- PETA advises all of us to not eat the descendants of dinosaurs by consuming chicken.  🥸  now I want a bbq T. rex sandwich.

- Sunday morning was a nice quiet morning until I heard my lovely gal hollering “get off my lawn!” to several squirrels rooting around the front yard.

Famously Friday

 - An interesting time Thursday, as Gary Nix and West! Texas spent several hours recording videos and multitrack live from bandstand audio for an upcoming release.  That stuff is a whole lot more work than you’d think.

- The largest bottle of wine is called a Melchizedek…it holds 40 standard bottles worth of mine, approximately 200 glasses. I’d call that a good weekend, but honestly I don’t think they sell a white Zinfandel that size at the grocery store. Even if they did I probably couldn’t afford it, and would likely never pick it up to fetch from the truck once I got home…still…(heh)

- Chick Fil A has cratered in a major way by hiring a DEI executive (woke fascism Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)…I guess nothing is safe from bubbling horseshit seeping into what’s left of the American way of life, IE freedom to do what YOU want to do instead of a statistical zero forcing the issue. We don’t do CFA often, but if they start to change their corporate values and/or recipes, they can kiss off as well. Besides, Deb makes THE best fried chicken on this planet.

- In North Korea, a 2 year old infant has been sentenced to life in prison because the baby’s parents were in possession of a Christian Bible. I’m genuinely afraid we are not that far away from imprisoning people who don’t walk a certain political line; lord knows those daring to be opposed to fascist democrats are being harassed, intimidated, and offered choices of confess or we make your whole family suffer. They’ve been doing so unabated for a dozen years.

- so, the FBI (armed democrat operatives) director is continuing to deny congress certain documents. He will be held in contempt shortly.  The 600 lb elephant here is ‘so what?’  Democrats Lois Lerner (IRS) and Eric Holder (Attorney General) we’re both held in contempt with nary a fine, no letters of don’t do that, damn sure not any jail.

- State Farm is there…unless one lives in California and wants a new policy for home and business…just an opinion, by this seems HUGE

- Attention Ron deSantis and Donald Trump: both of you need to grow the f*&k up, stop slamming everyone and everything in public, and focus on saying what you will do to pull our nation out of the miasma.  Every time you slam each other you are forcing actual adults to look elsewhere 

- An individually deemed good and worthy cause does not justify certain actions. Recently self described conservatives have been entering Target stores, destroying adult and child LTGQ++++++++++++ items for sale. I believe this is just as wrong as the ‘tuck friendly’ swimwear. Children do not buy much of anything, their parents do. Target has the right to sell what they want, parents have the right to NOT buy it, or just shop elsewhere.

While the concept of catering to obviously false ideologies elicits a nauseating anger, *blaming the seller is not within your rights.*  Because at some point, they’ll come for what you and I believe. Example: CVS  doesn’t sell cigarettes anymore…therefore I don’t go there at all. I have that choice.

This is basically an extension of blaming the messenger.  

Have a perfect weekend 


 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...