- Maybe just me…but I’m getting the impression the warfare we are seeing right now will be a global matter before much longer.  So called Houthi pirates using drones, IEDs being smuggled into the US, Hamas placing military operational targets in schools and hospitals, as many illegal aliens entering our nation as there were in WW2 Nazi and Imperial Japanese forces combined…and Washington DC wasting its time and our money on seriously stupid crap.

I’m believing exactly 100% of incumbents at the national level should be replaced…90% of lifelong bureaucrats ousted…90% of every lettered agency (CIA, FBI, BIA, all of them) summarily fired with prejudice. 

- Weird motivational poster: if you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never let yourself down…

- It does seem pretty odd that people can steal $950 worth of stuff PER TRIP from stores without fear of prosecution, yet other people come under pretty intense scrutiny if they spend $600 online shopping.  It seems it’s just easier to steal

- A phrase being tossed around again is ‘soft bigotry of low expectation’ or basically saying that crime, lack of academic integrity, drug use, decline of the nuclear family, you name it, are excused for people who fall outside the parameters of long established acceptable conduct. But I suggest being a certain skin color isn’t an excuse for chosen behaviors, choice is. Being outside previous and long standing norms of sexual orientation is not an automatic alibi for public lewdness or indoctrination. Put another way, it’s one things to choose an extra normal life, it’s another thing to force others into it, and it’s totally something else to demand extra normal lifestyles be given excuses for failure instead of motivation to succeed 

- Parallel to this…why are chickens such popular dining foods? Why not have sweet and sour penguin, skillet fried owl, baked egret, and combination beef and roadrunner fajitas?

- One thing that seriously annoys me is supposedly educated people trying to rewrite actual history to read as if people who start wars are the victims, and are the heroes in humanity. To wit: professors and media stating without a doubt that Bethlehem is in Gaza. A 2d grader could look on any map and find that’s not true. If so easy to debunk, why say it at all? Oh, yeah…facts don’t matter with anti American fanatics.

- Had a nice Zoom visit with brother in Tulsa and sister in Wimberley Tuesday. Ain’t none of us can be classified as spring chickens, so Zoom it is.  

- The word of the day is “jabonies.”  According to the pop culture entries into US English it was first used by former wrestler Dwayne The Rock Johnson…but he apparently was mispronouncing it as jabronies, meaning athletes of significantly lesser skills participating in events to make the stars look that much better. I KNEW my dad used the term jaboney when describing certain obviously stupid people (almost always political figures) in the mid 1960s.  Seems the first actual recorded use of the word was in a novel published in 1931. So now…you know.

It’s Christmas Time

 - I don’t understand why people of non Christian beliefs get upset when someone wishes a Merry Christmas. The expression is one of the speaker’s joyful season they wish to spread, not a slur to so called non believers. Please stop thinking the universe evolves around you. I’ve had people genuinely wish me a Happy Hanukkah, Happy Ramadan, even the unadorned Seasons Greetings, and when they are delivered with hearts appreciate their wishing to spread the joy.

- New Yorker Magazine now saying that crossword puzzles are racist. Pretty sure that if someone made a crossword for the dis and ax crowd, answers would never be longer than 3 words, if they’d do the at all. Perhaps if the dis and ax crowds worked crosswords they’d grasp that the ‘limitations’ of crosswords isn’t racial or cultural, it’s a choice to remain sounding (but not necessarily) ignorant 

- It’s gotten to the point that just about everyone in the nation is unqualified to hold elected office based on things they have been accused of while 6-14 years old.  

- I’ve always abhorred yard work, but my disgust is now at an all time high…mostly but not entirely from this list of crap

  • Lawn so thick it wore out mower batteries before I could finish the front yard
  • Took 25 minutes to locate a short in the AC line for the weed eater
  • Weed eater ran for 10 minutes before the string line feeder gizmo seized up, flew off, and cracked in a half dozen places
  • Unbeknownst to me someone poured (another) 25-30 lbs of rocks in the alley setback, wreaking havoc on said lawnmower.  Now without a functioning weed eater the stuff will have to stay as is for the time being.
  • The best quality grass is the stuff growing in the cracks of our >60 yr old brick and concrete patio
  • Having to do yard work 6 days from Christmas is just friggin stupid
- There's a couple of reports the Epstein client list will finally be released.  I hope so, but I seriously doubt anything will come of it.  Any bets on whether or not the Clintonistas will be on the list?

- Fun times…seems the Border Patrol has intercepted no less than ten improvised explosives (IED) at the Mexican border.  Ask any Middle East war vet how devastating these can be, and yet we keep allowing people who use them into the country

- Deb and I wish each of y’all a very Merry Christmas. See ya next week

Monday, Monday…Can’t Trust Any Day Anymore

 - A woman in Nashville is suing the BBQ meat place in her neighborhood for subjecting her to the smells of chicken, beef, and pork being cooked. I don’t know who was established in the neighborhood 1st, but if the heavenly aroma of bbq cooking offends you, you are not a good person…at all.

- The star ratings on Amazon, Starz, etc, are as bogus as the 2020 elections. Programs listed as 4-5 star winners almost always suck.

- On Friday an senior FBI agent was sentenced to four years prison time for collusion, acting in behalf of the Russian government. What media doesn’t mention is how this FBI agent was one of the senior investigators in the Trump-Russiagate fiasco. Gee, I wonder why

- There are a lot of things to be wary of..crime, free flow of data..inflation, you name it. But I think the thing I’m most fearful of is the 33% of us who think the dipshit Biden warrants approval. Not one aspect of life for Americans has remained stable, much less improved, yet some still think he’s the cat’s meow.

- We’ve properly brought ourselves into the Christmas season by setting up our smallish tree, and watching the first two Die Hard movies. Yippee kai yea.

- Played a combination birthday and Christmas party in Amarillo Saturday night. Great time, but I’ll never cease to be amazed at how people in Amarillo pack the dance floor when we play Amarillo by Morning. I’d have thought they’d be sick of that by now.  Truth be known at one time I was sick of playing it, but since getting hired by Gary Nix, it’s a pleasure again, with fiddle wizard Cory Williams just nailing that sound, touch, feel. 

- Apparently someone rammed Joe Biden’s vehicle on Sunday as the imbecile in chief was on his way on foot after leaving his re-appointment, er, re-elect campaign hq…as of this writing it’s unclear if intentional or just really bad driving

- Why do we live in such a complicated world? I mean to be functional one has to be an accountant, a lawyer, an internet power user, politically correct to the immediate situation, you name…but it doesn’t have to be. Seems we might consider a life without 12 million pages of federal law and regulation, keeping the money you earn, free from continued threats from punks and criminals, a totally independent culture and life free from every single thing occurring on the globe affecting our livelihood and freedoms.  

We really could start by everyone in the nation remembering The Golden Rule and The Constitution.


- Seems unhappy people stay unhappy until THEY decide to change their circumstances.  Can’t force them. Can’t legislate or legally compel them. 

- I love fresh French bread, until I cut a slice to find the loaf is nearly hollow. For this one reason alone I wish grocery stores still had scales for shoppers

- Shriners Hospital ads have been running for decades featuring two kids who just HAVE to be in their mid-late 30s by now.  Methinks it’s time to get new spokeschildren.

- I’ve been hearing terms like short stock, hedge fund, margin calls, dozens of others, for decades, and have no earthly idea about what they really mean. My gut feeling is these things are ways for those with money to take money away from others while protecting their own.

- Went and had nuclear medicine testing at VA Cardiac section the other day (don’t ask)…results pending but I warned them (half jokingly) that they were all in danger if I didn’t get coffee soon. Just when I was starting to drool in anticipation of wanton violence, I was cleared for caffeine. Good thing!  I was further encouraged to drink more than usual amounts of caffeinated beverages, as caffeine really speeds up removal of radioactive and other unpleasantries 

- Males should be able to participate in women’s sports, but only as entrants ineligible for trophies or setting records. In a foot race for example, a biological male could cross the finish line 5 seconds before any female finishers, but the winner would be the first female across the line. This isn’t hate speech, no kind of phobia, but just plain common sense. Personal identity really has nothing to do with biological categories, and should not be celebrated or even recognized as legit. Next thing ya know we’ll start seeing horses that just could not compete with other horses running in human races, so called female pro golfers being allowed to have infinite numbers of mulligans or ‘do over’ shots, etc. 

- I’m always amazed but never totally surprised at the new highs of stupidity being vomited up by progressive socialists. Seems there is yet another movement to rewrite history and state the US was really the bad guy in WWI/WW2, because we forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor, we forced Nazi Germany to extinguish over 6 million Jews…I genuinely believe this level of abject ignorance of truth really turned into a tsunami of bullshit during the Obama crisis, er, presidency.  Remember ‘we just need to offer terrorists better paying jobs?’  Yeah. We got to stop for a second and examine what made these people so stupid, and why they think we are.

Monday…Clock is Ticking To Christmas

 - Read an article the other day outlining how micro and nano plastic particles in out home’s air and utensils are now linked to certain cancers. I believe this.  Plastic ain’t really good for any living organism more advanced than amebas, yet more and more of it is involved in our everyday lives, including not just food but medical supplies, automobile parts, paint, flooring, you name it. The more of it we are exposed to the more we inhale/ingest microscopic size it’s, which according to the article bond with our cells making it impossible for cells to grow and function as intended.

- The US Secretary of Defense said in a closed congressional briefing that if congress does not approve Ukraine military aid, the pentagon would be “your brothers, your cousins, and your sons” to do the fighting. Direct quote. How is this not extortion? How is this actual defense of our nation, its citizens, and the Constitution

- Occassionally someone will ask what I do with my 'free time' since retiring from doing anything but playing music?  Here's a couple of things that keep me busy

  •  Household chores like laundry and such 
  • Cleaning up cat shit deposited by the one that misses the litter box
  • Looking at the lawn wondering when I'll be bothered by it enough to mow
  • Reading the internet news wondering if humanity will EVER evolve
  • Coffee, more coffee, even more that that coffee
  • Trying to understand my place in the universe, wondering if I'm already there, or will I ever be
  • Trying to find things to reduce the genetic propensity of Alzheimers and/or dementia
- Deb and I have been considering when we will bite the bullet and invest in a new(er) vehicle.  We are still a few years away from making a move, but 90% of the time we need just one. Sometimes the expense of having 2 seems, well, silly

- Sometimes the sweet hotness Deb and I talk about different actors and their various roles, only to find said performers died 30 years ago. Does that make us old and boring? If so, so be it, as we are quite content 

- Seen: think how hard it would be to dance to the Chinese version of ‘YMCA’

- Food for thought: if Palestinians are so ‘victimized’ that NO Arab nation will permit their entry, then why the hell should we? Has anyone considered if the 2.8 million illegally entering our country just this year had stayed and done what was necessary to fix their nation instead of running away, our nation, our planet, and our species would be one hell of a lot better than they are now. I could understand the hopelessness feelings of a hundred, a thousand, even 10,000, but 2.8 million? No, this is putting the onus of a better life on us without nearly the risk to them.

It’s way past time to close our borders and consider the devastating losses to law abiding US citizens

- I wrote a book on penguins. I think paper might have been a better choice


 - Read an “article” stating the so called misgendering of people can lead to their suicide. This isn’t the dumbest thing I’ve ever read but it’s in the top five. Using pronouns they don’t like causes suicide? What about the sane element of society: doesn’t referring a man as as a woman cause OUR suicidal tendencies? Some of us think those folks just need to grow the hell up and realize the universe does not exist to tiptoe around their delicates.

- Words no longer carry much meaning.  People throw around white supremacist as pretty much any Caucasian person not cowtowing to demands du jour, when here I thought white supremacists were skinheads with Nazi, KKK, and murder depicting tattoos everywhere. 

- The federal current voting process is subject to so much manipulation and influence as to be seen as not worth the trouble. A handful of nefarious actors at local levels can have tremendous influence over election choices. A different handful of treacherous shitheads working to keep political opponents from being listed on ballots should be seen as criminal interference, likely is criminal interference, but goes on and on with nary a care.  

Under current acceptance standards, anyone can challenge anything as long as they can pay for lawyers, tie up our judicial system for years. Finding out where the money trail starts will eliminate a lot of this.

- Its not necessary for you to like me, nor necessary for me to like you. What IS necessary is civility.

- Taylor Swift has been named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.  Congrats, I guess, but I don’t understand in the least bit.  In my mind this is the same as the Kardashian mania a while back. And I just don’t give a rat’s ass about who she dates.

- Portland OR schools are now required bylaw to take into consideration a child’s race, ethnicity, and other special interest demographics before doling out punishments. Seems fair.


Monday, Welcome to December

 - In my holiday tradition, let me be among the first to wish you a heartfelt “Bah! Humbug”

- There is an absolutely ridiculous trend from guitar manufacturers to “relic” brand new instruments, in a feeble attempt to make them look very old and heavily played. Why in God’s name take steps to make a guitar look like it was drug down a caliche road? This is exactly like buying a brand new vehicle that was banged up, dented, paint peeling off, missing a bunch of parts, but having the automaker charge significantly more to make a new product look like hell

- Islamophobia is NOT a problem..neither are transphobia, xenophobia, homophobia, or most other such things. The problem IS, however, attempting to legislate or otherwise coerce and compel human nature. Stop, for Heaven’s sake STOP trying to force people to blindly accept naturally occurring reactions. There really would not be any societal phobias if outliers made the slightest attempt to assimilate or just act like they wish to be included in basic civilization.

- California woman arrested for driving a stolen car with hand drawn license plates.

- After a weekend of musical debauchery and general mayhem, I stayed Saturday night in Lubbock, opting to drive home Sunday morning. On my trip,I noticed quite a few small churches that were apparently closed at a time I would have thought them to be  open.  I found these images to be somewhat depressing for some reason. Granted Deb and I attend our spiritual time in an unorthodox (to some) manner, however we strive to attend if even remotely possible, and it’s basically a 2000 mile round trip drive.  Seems it’s not out of the question to hope others could drive for 10 minutes to their local worship place.

Or is it like everything else, with the demise of smallish local establishments being run out of business as consumers are drawn to big box establishments with a much higher entertainment value? This,to me, is even sadder.

- The most telling action showing how our government places the needs of illegal aliens over veterans was recently revealed.  During the travesty known as the Biden administration over 161,000 illegals have had their health care paid for with funds taken out of the VA medical system. That’s 161,000 veteran needs that were greatly delayed or completely ignored.  

If you wonder why recruiting is at an all time low, look at this. I would not voluntarily risk my life to fight for a nation that disregards the warriors and favors illegal alien lawbreakers. Nope…screw you. At this rate should the draft be reinstated I’d encourage expatriating actions, as it’s clear no amount of combat will regain the security, sovereignty, and stability of the US, as it appears we’ve already lost from internal evil forces


 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...