Wednesday…Yippee Kai Yeah

 - Assessment of musical skills is such a strange beast. In some circumstances ‘great’ players are those that  copy note for note, nuance for nuance, that which has been previously done…in other circumstances greatness is achieved by adopting the themes of previously done music but enhancing the performance with personal interpretations…in other circumstances great is seen as new and innovative approaches to the task at hand. 

But, the standards are not and frankly cannot be applied across genres. It would be an utter disaster to hear a symphony orchestra with 100 players doing their interpretations of Bach, Liszt, et al…also in the too weird to stomach would be Buck Owens licks incorporated in a rap setting. You get the idea

That said, I used to think I was turning doing something different when playing classic country ish licks on pop/rock stuff…some said I was innovative, some said it was stupid.  I’m thinking maybe a touch of both

- The NAACP chairman put out a travel advisory warning black folks to not go to Florida due to safety concerns.  Said chairman lives in Florida it seems. The GOP in Florida has offered to help defray moving expenses for the nitwit to leave their state.

- So, I’ve been paying water bills via an auto pay system for decades, and went ‘paperless’ long ago.  About a month ago the Midland City auto pay was ‘upgraded’ forcing users to re-establish their online access.  When it was first announced I obediently went to the setup page, but for reasons I’ll never understand was unable to gain access.  

In the meanwhile my water bills continued to pile up, but I never got notified of impending shutoff because of the paperless option. After much ado, cussing, etc finally got it straightened up, payments caught up, and the like. Good thing, too, as water was scheduled to be shut off yesterday.

- Perspective:  there are approximately 8 billion people currently living on earth.  If 50 or even 500 of those just don’t like you for whatever reason, it is still statistically zero.  Be who you like, just don’t infringe on the 7,000,000,0500 rest of us.

- I wonder if there are places that sell used dentures

- Reading more and more news pieces telling of conservative slanted professors getting publicly chastised, harassed, etc, solely because of their opinions. A couple of standouts include a movement to dox white professors who given lower grades to black students instead of artificially boosting their grades to that of white counterparts; filing criminal complaints against professors who don’t actively support DEI and transgenderism.  

- Liberal professors however are getting closer to murder…to wit: some insane ‘professor’ upended and basically destroyed a student pro-life info table, then held a machete at the throat of a reporter trying to cover the story.

- Tenure should not be license to commit felonies, tell obviously false lies, etc…

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...