- There are more scams now than legit offers of transaction. Fake clothing brands, fake factory outlet sales, fake microphones, fake insurance, fake everything. Maybe, just maybe, normal society is partly responsible as we’ve become accepting, if not encouraging, fake boobs, fake lips, fake butts, fake genders, fake people making millions from fake internet accounts. Seems we the people prefer fakes
- Over the years people have asked me what kind of girl my girl Deb is. I usually reply with part Beth Dutton, part Joy Hickey, part Doris Day, and all mine. Which part you get is how you treat her and me
- There used to be a saying ‘don’t poke the bear.’ As I understand it, this meant leaving things alone, lest they come up and bite you. Does anyone abide by this notion anymore?
Our history and lore is chock full of examples of poking the bear, but actual consequences are only a factor when the bear is, well, badass enough to retaliate from being poked. THAT is a fundamental change in modern society. The point, don’t poke the bear unless you want the bear to take it personally and deal with it on the bear’s’ terms
- This is a busy week. Gary Nix and West! Texas is filming some podcast material today for the city of Lubbock, Friday White River Marina in Spur, then Saturday Midland for a dance club soirée.
- We're all familiar with the ripple effect, a series of unexpected events because ONE person somewhere inadvertently caused an eternal ripple in the plans and participations of untold others. For example, a doctor is called away from his normally scheduled in office appointments. 25-30 people scheduled to be seen are now rescheduled, are pissed off, and likely will cause further ripples in their interactions with others. The Ripple Effect continues.
However, when I was a teenager, the Ripple Effect was basically an explanation of sorts to try and detail the astonishingly stupid crap I did under the influence of cheap wine. To be honest, I don't know which had more impact in my existence, things totally out of my control or things done totally within my control. At age 67 I tend to believe they all have evened out by now.
- Might be a good time to remind us all that exactly NO candidate in human history will be agreed with on every issue, and not every issue is a Litmus test. Pick the candidate who represents you, your family, your neighbors…not by influence from people who’ve never been more than 25 miles from the ocean
- I’ve heard a few comments from friends and readers my blog is a bit difficult to read on some devices. So I’m experimenting with a few fonts…if you like one, hate one, or whatever, please let me know. Thanks.
- So…noted celebrity crackhead and all around shitty human being Hunter Biden is in the process of cutting a plea bargain. Gee, my faith in the system took another nosedive. Take him to trial and if guilty, put him in prison. You know, the same treatment you or I would get in the same circumstances.
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