
 - The so called administration has authorized 3000 US troops to be activated from reserve to active forces, to supplement our military presence in Europe (Ukraine.) Although I don’t condone it, I certainly understand why people fled to Canada during Vietnam. Putting lives in harms way to save us is one thing, putting them in harms way to save someone else is fundamentally evil

- Deb's youngest son Rick died from a drug overdose the other day.  Please, if you do nothing else today, say a small prayer to ease her indescribable grief.  There are no words.  As I type this I'm falling apart from trying to envision her pain, offer her strength, and comfort her during these insanely tragic times.  I wish I could make the world a better place, starting with her.

- Which brings me to: drugs...yeah, they can be fun, they can offer users a temporary respite from life's realities..there are millions of reasons why people take them, abuse them.  But, before you light the pipe, snort, or shoot up, please consider the damage done to those you leave behind.  No one deserves that level of angst

- Theres lots of things that annoy me, but none quite like working on the last sip of Kentucky whiskey in the house, only to find a dead bug in the glass. Damn

- This needs to be said: screw Hunter Biden. No one on the planet voted for that sumbitch. He should not be allowed in the country, much less Washington or the White House. He’s been an ‘adult’ for some time but  seemingly never responsible like any other adult.  

That said…we all have seemingly unshakable demons known as addiction.  Speaking from personal experience addiction is as much (perhaps more) a mental process as it is physical.  Cigarettes, alcohol, all sorts of self destructive behaviors can change the core personality to a nearly unrecognizable point. Addiction is not an excuse for anything, but it’s a pretty good measure of understanding 

- It’s been said we find out who’s really in charge by finding out who can’t be criticized. If this is true, then transgenders rule the roost

- Society is not just the most salient aspects of existence.  The often minor cogs in the machine actually make up how society actually works, and we are in pretty deep ca ca.

As some may know Deb had to deal with a horrible situation last week in Florida. Using Expedia was my first mistake in trying to get her there. Apparently they have no actual humans, online confusing misleading web links. They got the rental car 100% wrong…American Airlines did their level best to make sure she did not have a way to leave Florida…funeral homes treated her like a ghetto queen begging for a block of cheese…restaurant and internet at her hotel were closed for some reason (I don’t know how they could remodel the internet)…etc ad nauseum.

These are the cogs of society that, when they don’t work as advertised/intended, can break down large groups of people at one time. Multiply that times hundreds of thousands of travel oriented businesses and millions of travel consumers daily, and there is a recipe for disaster.

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...