- I’m always untrusting of some things. How folks who wear $150 shoes, drive a $75,000 vehicle, expensive haircuts, etc, receive food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, etc. How some folks park in a handicap spot, jump out looking like a starting linebacker for the Cowboys…How some people expect me to pay them tithes, taxes, whatever, and those people have an exponentially higher standard of living than I do…
Not envious, at all…just curious how people develop such gall.
- It’s amazing how people ‘being themselves, striving for individuality’ has resulted in almost everyone looking, dressing, acting the same.
- Do taxing entities prioritize themselves or the people paying said taxes? IMO organizations that have the power to enforce ‘pay up or else’ policies *must* take the needs/abilities of those paying over their own. Taxing entities should be able to accurately show where citizen’s money is being spend, why, and what steps are underway to minimize tax burdens.
Remember we aren’t just talking about federal taxes. Every local gasoline tax, property tax, sales tax, school tax, you name it has a cumulative effect on those of us paying them, and when inflation is stupidly high like now, those taxes become a double or triple whammy to OUR wallets
- Psoriasis commercials always promise clear skin…that’s misleading. I’ve never seen anyone with invisible skin. I think I’d remember
- It’s now a crime and fireable offense to “misgender” someone…shouldn’t that apply to those pretending to be a gender they aren’t?
- Now THIS is a crime: state of Oregon has eliminated proficiency requirements in reading, math, and writing to graduate with a HS diploma. What’s the point of awarding a diploma if the only requirement is to exist?
- There really needs to be a standard: mens rooms in public places should ALWAYS be either right or left door everywhere in the state. None of this Willy nilly. BTW I hope you got the jokes.
- Septembers are always crap shoots when it comes to playing outdoor gigs. Weather forecasts are generally predicting rain when there is none, and fail to predict 5 days torrential downpours. We got lucky this past weekend, doing 2 outdoor things in a 12 hours span.
- In the day and age of SUVs and pickups, actual cars are becoming rarities. Seems there are more Chargers, Cameros, and Mustangs on the roads than any other…and the number of newish Corvettes seems higher now than at any point, ever. Things like gas mileage kings and super safety featured cars just don’t have much of an appeal, at least in the areas I drive (much of west Texas, from around Amarillo to San Angelo area to Big Bend…)
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