- Hell no I won’t forget…what they did, and what we did as a response.
- The term ‘will of the people’ no longer has any valid application. Elected officials have lost the requirement to serve our wants and needs, and are now for all intents and purposes our masters. They have carte Blanche authority to lie, scam us, manipulate us like PlayDoh. They get things for free the rest of us pay out the wazoo for, and jail people for disagreeing with them…all the while manipulating the rules to make them wealthy.
This HAS TO STOP. If we don’t return to actual federated constitutional republic ways in a hurry, there will be nothing left worth saving.
- To wit: the a-holes in DC are considering ways to force illegal aliens to remain in Texas instead of being bussed or just moving to other areas. How is this remotely legal? Since when did Texas become the sacrificial lamb for piss poor constitutional adherence? Hell if this goes in effect I’m likely to load a few in the back of my truck and drive them to Virginia my own damn self
- As testing went on, my VA doctor said "I'm not quite certain what's wrong with you yet, but I think it may be the result of heavy drinking."
So i said "That's OK, Doc- I'll just come back when you're sober!"
- New Mexico governor put a 30 day ban on carrying any firearms, of applying for a gun license, etc. the Constitution seems to have an asterisk there. She implemented the ban in Albuquerque, saying her adherence to the US Constitution is “not absolute.” Congratulations NM…you now have a tyrant in charge.
- The other day the hot wife and I were running errands…typical Midland traffic. Sitting at a red light we kept hearing something that resembled a REAL muscle car from the 60s-70s, but all I could see was an ocean of me-too SUVs. When the light turned, saw one of them accelerate and pass me, saw it was an electric SUV with…get this…sound effects mimicking said performance engine. All I could do was laugh
- With inclusive hiring practices now spreading like cancer in society, perhaps it’s time to apply that “do it or else” mentality to pro sports. There MUST be a population correct percentage of whites (!), trans, etc in every football and basketball team. If corporate America, government, military, must be inclusive, so should sports. Performance and ability must take a back seat to demographics (see how stupid this is?)
- I’m still amazed at how people spend money on pickup trucks and never, ever, under any circumstance, use them for doing pickup truck stuff. Of course people can buy and use whatever they want, but in reality if you don’t have a need for one, pickups are kind of stupid.
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