- Seriously…I’m still searching for a full size truck or whatnot that gets 75 MPG with an engine that can go from 0-60 in 3.5 seconds, while pulling 15,000 lbs uphill, 100% warranty for 100,000 miles, costs less than $10,000, and runs on only regular gas. C’mon, Detroit, get it together.
- Texas governor Greg Abbott is *serious* about border control…to the point he’s putting up more border walls along the Texas-NEW Mexico border to greatly reduce the flow of illegals crossing national borders in New Mexico then entering Texas. Hell yes! I’d ask the governor to install similar border controls around the entire state to nearly eliminate illegal and unwanted immigrants. While we’re at it move the state capital to San Angelo and turn Austin into a maximum security prison.
- I’ve found that even lifting my self imposed boycott of NFL games, I don’t watch any, if at all. It’s like watching C-SPAN in that 100 millionaires are doing things that I have no affect on the outcome, which usually pisses me off.
- Many anti Israeli military types are bemoaning that all Palestinians are not Hamas. Ok, but remember not all Germans were Nazis, but almost all had some duties, voluntary or otherwise, that contributed to WW2, the murder of 6 million Jews, and so on. This one reason is why the entire planet must deem Palestinians (and their supporters inside the US government) a dire threat to the existence of our species.
- Been reading a bit about something being touted as a government controlled internet kill switch. This right here is why so called cloud computing is basically bullshit. Exactly everything relies on internet access. Won’t be able to buy anything as bank access at some point MUST have internet; use of programs you’ve bought and paid for will be impossible as said programs check the internet for updated licenses; medical records will be inaccessible; access to everything from family photos and records to legal documents to, well, you get the idea.
Hard drives in your hands and under your direct control are good
- $9 billion to Gaza is the exact same thing as paying Nazi Germany to invade Poland.
- Tip to music store employees: don’t assume the older cowboy looking man is a know nothing ignorant geezer. He just might have been playing stages big and small since before your parents were born, as has forgotten more about the product you are trying to sell him than you’ll ever know.
- Briefly, 4 out of town gigs in 5 days last week kicked my butt something good. That said, I would not trade this life or the people I’m sharing it with for a trillion dollars. All the different people, environments, etc are motivating factors, but it simply comes down to the music and the other guys on the bandstand. God has blessed me with a little talent I’m told, but his riches rain down each time the next song starts.
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