- A woman in Nashville is suing the BBQ meat place in her neighborhood for subjecting her to the smells of chicken, beef, and pork being cooked. I don’t know who was established in the neighborhood 1st, but if the heavenly aroma of bbq cooking offends you, you are not a good person…at all.
- The star ratings on Amazon, Starz, etc, are as bogus as the 2020 elections. Programs listed as 4-5 star winners almost always suck.
- On Friday an senior FBI agent was sentenced to four years prison time for collusion, acting in behalf of the Russian government. What media doesn’t mention is how this FBI agent was one of the senior investigators in the Trump-Russiagate fiasco. Gee, I wonder why
- There are a lot of things to be wary of..crime, free flow of data..inflation, you name it. But I think the thing I’m most fearful of is the 33% of us who think the dipshit Biden warrants approval. Not one aspect of life for Americans has remained stable, much less improved, yet some still think he’s the cat’s meow.
- We’ve properly brought ourselves into the Christmas season by setting up our smallish tree, and watching the first two Die Hard movies. Yippee kai yea.
- Played a combination birthday and Christmas party in Amarillo Saturday night. Great time, but I’ll never cease to be amazed at how people in Amarillo pack the dance floor when we play Amarillo by Morning. I’d have thought they’d be sick of that by now. Truth be known at one time I was sick of playing it, but since getting hired by Gary Nix, it’s a pleasure again, with fiddle wizard Cory Williams just nailing that sound, touch, feel.
- Apparently someone rammed Joe Biden’s vehicle on Sunday as the imbecile in chief was on his way on foot after leaving his re-appointment, er, re-elect campaign hq…as of this writing it’s unclear if intentional or just really bad driving
- Why do we live in such a complicated world? I mean to be functional one has to be an accountant, a lawyer, an internet power user, politically correct to the immediate situation, you name…but it doesn’t have to be. Seems we might consider a life without 12 million pages of federal law and regulation, keeping the money you earn, free from continued threats from punks and criminals, a totally independent culture and life free from every single thing occurring on the globe affecting our livelihood and freedoms.
We really could start by everyone in the nation remembering The Golden Rule and The Constitution.
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