- Read an “article” stating the so called misgendering of people can lead to their suicide. This isn’t the dumbest thing I’ve ever read but it’s in the top five. Using pronouns they don’t like causes suicide? What about the sane element of society: doesn’t referring a man as as a woman cause OUR suicidal tendencies? Some of us think those folks just need to grow the hell up and realize the universe does not exist to tiptoe around their delicates.
- Words no longer carry much meaning. People throw around white supremacist as pretty much any Caucasian person not cowtowing to demands du jour, when here I thought white supremacists were skinheads with Nazi, KKK, and murder depicting tattoos everywhere.
- The federal current voting process is subject to so much manipulation and influence as to be seen as not worth the trouble. A handful of nefarious actors at local levels can have tremendous influence over election choices. A different handful of treacherous shitheads working to keep political opponents from being listed on ballots should be seen as criminal interference, likely is criminal interference, but goes on and on with nary a care.
Under current acceptance standards, anyone can challenge anything as long as they can pay for lawyers, tie up our judicial system for years. Finding out where the money trail starts will eliminate a lot of this.
- Its not necessary for you to like me, nor necessary for me to like you. What IS necessary is civility.
- Taylor Swift has been named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. Congrats, I guess, but I don’t understand in the least bit. In my mind this is the same as the Kardashian mania a while back. And I just don’t give a rat’s ass about who she dates.
- Portland OR schools are now required bylaw to take into consideration a child’s race, ethnicity, and other special interest demographics before doling out punishments. Seems fair.
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