Monday, 5 February 2024

 - Wise words: even if you aren’t the star of the show, someone is always watching you. Live up to it

- The system, as we know, is pretty busted up. One thing in particular is partisanship.  People no one voted for either enacting or ignoring laws written by people we did vote for is IMO a travesty of idiocy.  I completely understand appointments based on political kinship, but there is, or should be, a limit, even for the wealthiest and well connected bureaucrats.  At some point, if we are to survive, the questions of ‘who voted for you?’ and ‘does this override any existing laws?’ MUST be answered, 

- Some collective calling itself the “Journal of Medical Ethics” published an article recently arguing that pregnancy can be deemed a disease.This is where we are: so called medical practitioners trying to convince us commoners that the way our species propagates and sustains its existence is a disease, therefore should be cured and stamped out. It continues to appear that the more education one has, the dumber one becomes.

- Speaking of medicine (this time positively) Wednesday  I checked into a local hospital for something called an extended sleep study. The told me NO caffeine after 11AM🤬 . So I reported as directed, caffeine free, prepared to spend all night and most of Thursday there. Upon arrival, I was connected to over 25 wires attaching to sensors stuck to my skin, head to foot.  After being awakened at 5:30AM Thursday I was instructed to stay awake for 90 mins, then try to ‘nap’ for 30 minutes, repeating this cycle 5 times.  

Still no coffee, bare minimum food, no cigs except when I met Deb in parking lot. Walking through a facility wired like an old fashioned telephone junction, carry a large electronic box, with exhaustion and annoyance all over my face, some people saw me and rapidly got out of my way. I wonder how many thought I was carrying a large bomb?

Anyway, results forthcoming, but if your doctor wants you to have such a sleep study, make him/her PROVE that you will immediately die if you don’t. Otherwise, it ain’t worth it

- One of Deb’s friends posted on social media ‘my taste in men is so bad it should be considered a disability.’ Sorry, but this is funny as heck.

- The recently defunded UN group that participated and acted with the Hamas invasion of Israel has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Are we paying attention yet?

- Interesting… the world’s most expensive spice, saffron, is produced in Tahoka, a smallish farming community just south of Lubbock. Wow

- Seen: ever taken your glasses off and thought if it weren’t for optometry, natural selection would have killed me off decades ago?

- Consider: waiting several days to even acknowledge Iranian backed soldiers killing American servicemen, then announcing retribution was coming, is not only stupid tactics, it was announcing to enemy forces there would be action, so move your guys out of harms way. As we (should have) learned in Vietnam telling enemy forces when we were striking is futile at best, most likely treacherously cowardice. Might be a good time to remember our president was already an active political dweeb back then too.

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...