Wednesday..Warts and All

 - It’s one thing for average citizens to disregard illegal or unfair laws.  It’s quite a different thing when elected officials urge such disregard for all other elected types, even the President.  Civil disobedience is not a tool FOR THOSE WHO WRITE THE LAW THEMSELVES. Gawd, it’s as if these people demand anarchy 

- Pro sports is the only place where an employee can throw a sucker punch and not be arrested nor fired. Fights with other team’ “players” are bad enough, but when punching fights happen with “players” on the same team, or worse fans, occur, it’s time to bring in the law

- The entire concept of non binary people is completely outside of my ability (and willingness) to understand.  I mean, damn. My gender means something.  My, er, male identifiers, mean something. My male traits and mannerisms mean something.  The thought of choosing to ignore or refute them is idiotic.

- I hear folks talking about the younger generations.  While much of the chatter has truth to it, the thing that irks me the most is a near systemic plague of rudeness. Words like please, thank you, and you’re welcome seem to be seen as ancient Sumerian to more and more young folks.

- Things you just don’t hear about anymore include monkeypox, flesh eating bacteria, right wing conspiracies, government acknowledgement of UFOs, too many/too few pipelines, POTUS showering with underage female family members, abysmal school performances, Muslims in general, the list is as endless as the bullshit that went into hawking them.  

- The reports of FBI agents undercover in Catholic Churches throughout the nation should pretty much outrage all spiritually inclined Americans.  Doesn’t matter your religious preference, the very idea the federals are spying on you simply because of how you choose to worship in the most blatant violation of the 1st Amendment ever seen in this nation, and again if true, MUST be stopped immediately 

- My lil gal asked the other day if I still spoke any French.  I said “a little…why?”

She asked me to translate a passage she found on the internet…it said “geaux meaux da lawn.”  Damn

- I have a theory, that humanity isn’t getting worse, it’s just gotten inexorably and probably irreversibly lazy.  Consider mass shootings that take place where there’s almost zero chance of someone shooting back…people not bothering to know anything when all they have to do is click on the (agenda driven) internet…male ‘athletes’ too lazy to train at the level needed to compete against other men, so they train just enough to beat women…mimicking questionable ‘how to’ videos instead of learning through hard work, experience, and experimentation.

- Midland TX police are working the a murder of a 16 yr old…the prime suspect is also a young teen. Before you start harping on the manner of murder (gun), start harping on how this little shithead thought it was ok to murder someone…and where he learned that.  It ain’t the gun.

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...