Monday? Sure, Why Not..

 - In case you think otherwise, being a guitar picker can be really tough work.  Last Thursday crammed into a small restaurant, Friday, 10.5 hrs in songwriting mode with my pal Gary Nix, Saturday barn dance in Spur, Tx…then a 2.5 hr drive home.  

Fortunately no deer were injured, only one seen.  Sadly, the world population of rabbits was immediately reduced by 2.  I drove for 40 minutes before seeing another vehicle.

- If someone genuinely wishes me a Happy Easter, a Happy Passover, a Happy Ramadan, etc…I take it as a compliment.  People celebrating a joyous occasion in their lives and wishing to share it is one of the most heartwarming things.

- Does free will actually exist? I honestly don’t think so. No matter what people do, think, or say, there are government regulations, societal norms, financial brickwalls, or any combination thereof.  Far as I can tell,  free will is exercised only within narrow parameters set by ???  The only way we will know who is doing the setting is if they allow it

- Is transvestite still a word?  Is describing a conservative white as a honky still allowed?  How about phrases like Oreo (a black outside, but white inside)…or apple (red on outside, but white inside)?  Or banana (yellow out, well you get the idea)?  Can my lil 5’2” bride demand her height be listed as 5”10” because she wishes to identify as tall?

See…the insanity will NEVER stop.  Contrary to the notion of free Will is the unrelenting onslaught of genetics. 

- Speaking of my petite babe…she just showed me an ad for a dress…a cotton dress…on sale for $495.  Financing available.  $500 for a cotton dress is just stupid

- It still amazes me that people I knew when they were too young to have a driver’s license are now over 40.  It amazes me most TV programs we watch are close to 30 yrs old.  It still amazes me that the plat description of our home shows it is 75 yrs old.  Time REALLY needs to slow down

- Honest question:  I suspect that WW3 is on the horizon, perhaps even within my limited lifespan.  Assuming global war is a given, how will it occur?  At the moment I doubt there will be a national occupation, but after US military retaliation is neutered, the aggressors will simply seize all banking and finance, and have a complete lock on all digital information (which is and has been all information for some time)…petroleum areas will be occupied, as will major metro areas and agricultural areas

Of course, this will only work if whatever occupation forces are fluent in Spanish

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...