Weirdly Wild Wednesday

 - I don’t get it. Wanting to restrict sports to members of biologically like genders is not transphobia, it’s common sense…wanting to control our borders is not racism or white supremacy, it’s common sense…expecting all of us to obey the same rules is not anything other than common sense. Wanting people to act right is not nationalism, it’s common sense.

The problem is we are dictated to by more and more people without a damn lick of it.  

- Charlatans, thieves, scammers, and corporations have rendered (yet again) communications systems basically worthless. Spam email, cloned caller numbers, data harvesting and sharing, etc have turned cell phones into annoyances, as I receive as many BS calls and texts as ones I actually want.  But this isn’t new.  Remember the barrage of sales calls we got in the 70s and 80s from outfits like Olan Mills, insurance agencies, and so on?  

Point: no matter how good something is, it doesn’t take long for someone to screw it up for the vast majority of us.

- Gotta love progressives. When they come up with a catch phrase, they stick with it, even when they KNOW they are full of shit. “White supremacy” is not the end all threat to our nation. Right now, the biggest threat to our nation is its government. Any government official that can look you in the eye and lie through their teeth, and not pay a penny’s worth of care, is the threat…

- Monday was weird, as I reported (as directed) for Jury Duty.  I was struck from the final panel basically because when asked, I stated on the record that in my experiences in law enforcement, judicial processes, Homeland Seeurity, and others, that unless strong evidence exists otherwise, the cops get it it right. Some other interesting tidbits:

Most everyone including me wore blue jeans.  I had on a freshly ironed dressy shirt, while others threw on whatever t shirt that didn’t stink too bad…Midland County courts were recognized as being a national model for the jury process…there was a 90% attendance rate between those summoned and those appearing…I for one could do without the lame jokes told by attorney  from both sides and court personnel…they REALLY need to have a coffee service…the only neckties worn were on the judge, the lawyers, and bailiffs…and lastly…

Times were when I couldn’t go anywhere without running into a dozen people I knew. Monday’s excursion had only one person I knew, a very nice lady from a church I used to attend.  Times, they have changed.

- Questions I’ve never heard asked include: how do they tune bagpipes, and why? Do peacocks ever get offended at the presumed gender affiliation? Why aren’t there more professional hambone and eef acts? Do soldiers ever lose their camo uniforms because they can’t find them? What do chickens think when we eat their unborn offspring?

- The Durham report on atrocious conduct by DoJ, FBI, democrat POTUS candidate, and others is finally out. Y’all already know what it says, but what it means is we the people will likely never trust the FBI, DoJ, IRS, etc again.Rightly so. What it REALLY means is these federal agencies are still free to ignore evidence and rules not matching their political agendas, and continue to make up new rules as they go. We the people simply do not have any way to defend ourselves against this ethical, often criminal misconduct. We are mostly outgunned, out lawyered, definitely out funded.

But, there are ways to belay this treachery: relocate the bases of operations from the east coast, far away from the face to face contacts with influence investing hacks…fire exactly 100% of those in the top 3 tiers of (basically all) government agencies…personal liability for those found guilty of such conduct (I’d venture a guess govt brass would think twice if their homes, savings, and paychecks were on the line)…bureaucrats can retire with full benefits before any scrutiny of their activities can be completed.

And most importantly: make the oath of office a binding contract, instead of a casual moment. 

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...