- Grocery store runs are $25-40 more now than they were 2 weeks ago. Bacon alone went from $5.49 to $7.99 like it or not (else) winter is just around the corner, with heating prices higher now than they were during Chinese flu. Gas on a fairly steady uptick, on the verge of WW3 with 30% of attack subs and other ‘smaller fuel efficient’ combat ships stuck in dry dock, and the list of societal failures longer than the internet will allow.
All in two years. Have to wonder exactly who the DC bureaucrats are working for, because it DAMN SURE AINT US.
- Midland Tx school board has gotten clearance to have a bond proposal on the November ballot…a bond proposal over $1 Billion. Anytime a local entity asks me to approve something over a billion dollars, I know that entity has serious issues.
- It’s very easy to tell which elected government folks don’t give a damn about us…getting a bill introduced to make willful and purposeful lying on government time an automatic ejection and criminal offense when spoken during federal, state, or local congresses and other proceedings. It’s really the only way a sane and literate citizen will take their words and actions to heart.
- Don’t know about you, but when prescription ads mention “death” as a serious side effect, I’m just gonna rule that drug out as an option. We all get to the final breath of life for free…
- The EPA is spending $177 million on 17 university level ‘environmental justice’ centers. Basically it benefits poorer people who live in places with environmental extremes and trains (indoctrinates) them to become climate warriors and ‘community champions’ whatever the hell that is. It is funded 100% by taxpayer dollars
- A guy named Vivick Ramaswami is campaigning for GOP presidential run…I’d never heard of him, but after reading about and listening to him, he’s definitely got my attention. Seriously don’t think he’s got a chance for a myriad of reasons, but he’s got some very real stuff going on.
And speaking of POTUS candidates, I understand the Biden/Harris clown college will be replaced by a tree stump.
- Remember when tv series ran 25 shows a season? Yeah, what happened there? Speaking of visual entertainment, have y’all noticed that some actors always play the exact person, regardless of role, media, whatever? Bob Newhart, Tom Poston, Ruth Gordon, many others
- Perhaps if Maui residents live in Ukraine they could get more taxpayer relief funding. Perhaps if illegals were entering Ukraine and bleeding their citizens dry we could get some of taxpayer money. I dunno, just thinking out loud.
- After many years of trial and error, I’ve come to realization I’m just not a backpack kind of guy. I’ve tried backpacks for gig/cable bags, travel bags for clothing, etc. I just prefer traditional soft sided carryall bags. It’s not that they are inconvenient, it’s just backpacks have so many pockets and compartments I spend more time looking for what I’m after that I’d spend just looking at everything at once and finding what I need. This doesn’t make me a bad person…does it?
- Question: there are two kinds of high speed roads (for this matter): divided by lane stripes and divided by concrete bound cables to reduce/prevent head on collisions. My question is what steps are taken by highway engineers to reduce head on collisions in roads with only lane markers? It would seem that ALL highways would be separated by medians and cabling, so why are they still spending millions on construction building lane marker roads only?
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