Monday…Chock Full of Insanity

 - The difference between doing what’s required and what is morally and ethically is down to zero.  The Golden Rule has basically been banned it seems

- Now a handwritten note from (then Vice President) Joe Biden to the now (in)famous Devon Archer pretty well nails the coffin shut for POTUS claim he wasn’t all that familiar with the now whistle blower

- I’ve been using thumbpicks for years…but recently our fiddle player Cory found a traditional plectrum pick on a bandstand dropped by who knows and gave it to me. Been using it ever since. Weird, huh?

- Just a thought…but someone needs to clue Hollywood writers in that not every person living in the woods is some sort of jerk water cannibal hell bent on living like a barbarian. Y’all just stay on strike until you stop stereotyping anyone not living in 3 million people metro areas.

- There’s a lot of chatter about our government’s transformation into tyranny and comparisons to 1930s Germany. Sure seem like it sometimes, with one major difference for now: all tyrannical efforts that I’m aware of would have failed before they got started without support from that nation’s military. I seriously don’t believe the rank and file soldier, marine, sailor, and airman would murder vast numbers of people who dared to disagree.  There are ALWAYS single exceptions, but I just don’t see a infantry division with armor support patrolling Midland TX or anywhere else forcing citizens to abide or be exterminated.  

In spite of Biden’s oft repeated claims of F16s and nukes to deal with things, I just don’t see that happening. Even with the ever increasing number of woke peckerheads in command positions, there are still far more military men and women who took their oath to defend the constitution very seriously.

- For those strictly following hat protocol, we are less than a month away from switching from straw to felt. In the past I’ve strictly followed this, but as a senior citizen I’m just going to wait and see how the weather acts. Wearing a felt during an outdoor gig in 108 degrees just may be out of the cards now

- Here’s an idea: if any US sports team funded entirely or partially by taxpayer money disgraces itself with  stunts like kneeling during the anthem, their financial support is terminated immediately.  Let the bitches find their own way home after they pay their own money to retrieve their stuff from hotel suites

- No further commentary needed: a 90 year old member of the US senate, capable of writing and voting on laws that affect the future of every living soul in our nation, has signed over power of attorney to a family member. Diane Feinstein is no longer capable of making her own decisions but can make them for you, me, the American people.

- Perhaps the most idiotic thing ever spoken by any human since the beginning of our species was uttered by a transgender: I want to get a complete uterus, so I can be artificially inseminated, then abort the fetus. Some people should just be put out of our misery.

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...