- Those who support Palestinian violence right now are entitled to their opinion…and so am I. Supporting murder and devastation from Hamas, et al, in my opinion, makes you a dumbshit, incapable of independent thought, and a pariah to our species
- Interesting statistic. The Texas Rangers baseball team scored more points in a game than the Dallas Cowboys football team.
- Since the onset of BS like black lives matter, jobs at corporate levels have been disgracefully racist against whites. According to Bloomberg approx 300,000 corporate level jobs were filled, with only 6% being filled by whites, stark contrast from the 60-70% white population. I guess it’s not called racism when whites are targeted for omission.
- It’s nothing short of amazing how Indonesia and China areproducing guitars that are *far* superior to things from long standing US manufacturers. Recently bought an Indonesian made G&L guitar that was labeled on the sales site as used. It came to me in brand new condition down to tags and protective plastic on the pickguard. Neck was perfect, body flawless, and same electronics found in US made G&L guitars. A comparable US model would cost $1800 or so, I got this for $345. So, what are the differences? At this point I just can’t find any other than paying higher wages, taxes at every imaginable level
- Interesting thoughts: Pro abortion types should be grateful their mothers didn’t have one…people wearing Che Guevara shirts and parading around in Pro Islam clothing would likely be assassinated by the people they claim to admire…people making laws for thee and me are never affected by them in the least …I won’t patronize any business that doesn’t enforce no shirt no shoes no service, period…there are no homeless camps in gated multimillion dollar housing areas…like it or not how we dress affects the way others see us…
- While Medicare is a wonderful program in theory, it’s kind of useless when no doctors accept it. Face to face medicine is more business than medicine, and with Medicare approving only significantly lower payments than private insurance, well you get the idea. Same with the VA outsourcing services instead of providing them in house…which brings me to:
Who sets the amounts doctor offices charge for life saving visits? Bean counters? Lawyers? Lawsuit prevention actuaries? Immigration officials? Seems to me the system is not just broken, but the people who can fix it are broken. I understand the concepts of free enterprise and such, but I believe these free enterprise things should not be guiding principles when it comes to life over death.
I’ve never encountered a poor doctor or a poor specialist, a poor pharmacist, etc, nor am I advocating socialism in medicine. I am advocating humanity should evaluate itself as to how and why medical care in life and death situations often boils down to searching for a doctor that accepts government payment, and has patients waiting for several weeks just to arrive and spend hours just to spend 15 minutes with a physician.
- No one in the world seems concerned about Iran, as they’ve been a royal pain in the ass for the entire planet since 1978. The reason is simple, and it rhymes with spoil. Same with Saudi Arabia. Notice no one is coddling, funding, tolerating, kiss the butts of terrorist states that can generate unlimited electricity? Goes without saying that if oil is so precious as to cost untold thousands of lives and destroy trillions of dollars of property, then perhaps an all electric society is THE fastest way to total annihilation.
- Forgive the brevity of today’s entry, but a nap is calling. Nothing can aggravate or scare me when I’m in nap mode.
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