Monday…Pray For Our Species

 - Read an article recently how the US Army is re-tooling their recruiting efforts from top down. Yeah, ok…good.  Speaking as a former recruiter, I can genuinely say a key to this effort is getting people who want to be recruiters, instead of picking people almost at random, and making them feel life abject failures just short of treason if they don’t make their monthly quota.  They call it something else but don’t think it’s anything other than a quota. 

Don’t abuse and punish people weekly and expect them to convince others to enlist.  I had about enough of it, and my last three months active duty convinced people to keep looking for a paycheck, as the military was not worth the effort

- It really irks me to rethink things I long believed were true…but I just don’t buy the official storylines behind the JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, Lee Harvey Oswald, most all of the assassinations of the 1960s.  I just don’t, as too many things don’t pass anyone’s version of the smell test anymore.  It disheartens me to think we are in for another round of this, orchestrated by pretty much the same people, for the same reasons.

- Hilary Clinton quite literally stated people who believe in the principles of conservatism should be sent to formal de programming  camps. This is not paraphrase, this is quote. This bitch is nothing short of the evil soul of  Washington and the democrat cartel, as in none

- So Hamas lays dormant for years…then biden releases $6 billion to Iran…just a couple weeks later Hamas attempts to invade Israel with missiles and door to door military action.  Kinda makes ya wonder where Hamas got the money to do so.  I’ll say it: unless firm evidence is uncovered saying otherwise, Biden was the banker for the attack on Israel, and is partly responsible for Israeli deaths and destruction 

- I’m looking into running for governor at some point. My platform will include: any establishment selling food WILL have coffee available…anyone found guilty of selling, distributing, or possessing fentanyl shall be sentenced to death or life in prison no parole…feasibility study into cessation based on if nothing else breach of contract…as what we are seeing was not in the deal to surrender sovereignty to become a state

- I don’t know what to think of this anymore. Hamas attacking Israel…NATO member Turkey basically bombing Syria as usual…Ukraine…10,000 illegal aliens crossing our border a day…African terrorists have dropped out of ‘the news’ but I’m  pretty sure they are still doing whatever they please…the oft mentioned dragon from the east seems to be in direct or indirect control of everything on this planet…

sure does seem like the Book of Revelations is in full swing.

- Hearty congratulations to dear friends Randy and Susie on their wedding. Outstanding people

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...