- I MUST be a minority, a statistical zero in opinions of today’s world. Examples include
* Voting a billion dollars of school bonds (yes, a property tax increase) when the people who will be in charge of the money have shown nearly zero accountability in past bonds
* Thinking that if a company was being run like our nation, the CEO, board of directors, and all senior management would be summarily fired with inevitable criminal investigations well under way
* Censure of congressmen is as much punishment as a contempt charge to congress…in that the only people affected by it are conservatives.
* There are more medications available now than at any point in history, and far too many of them might as well not exist because 95% of the nation can’t afford them, even with government employee Cadillac plans
- Interesting how now the US military is striking targets in Syria and Iraq now…haven’t we already fought (and) won these wars lately? Guess not, as if we had won, we would not be fighting them again so soon
- We’ve got plastic bags. We’ve got plastic bags inside a plastic bag. We’ve got bags of plastic bags inside a master plastic bag. It’s all much like the Russian nesting dolls but made up of plastic bags.
- Hypocrisy is not illegal, but it’s very telling. Hypocrisy in ‘government’ *should* be punished by voters, AKA those who bother to vote. Hypocrites don’t care what they do, only that you believe what they say.
- Veterans Day holds a special spot in my existence. My dad fought in WW2, my brother served, I served. Not everyone did, and that’s ok.
- But my oh my, how the military has changed. Example, the US Air Force has provided training documentation on how to add pronouns to official military correspondence. No one should give a shit WHAT you want to be thought of as…you are either a senior or subordinate rank, regardless. Keep focusing on your ultimate mission of killing the enemy and blowing things up. If you want to be a woke warrior, get the hell out of an organization that your wishy washy crap could cost innumerable lives.
- Speaking of war AKA armed conflict, I find it revolting that more and more of our species find themselves in it but have others either fighting their battles for them or others funding the thing…only to have those people/groups/nations turn on us and starting biting the hand that fed them. Everyone from illegal aliens to Middle East nations to multigenerational welfare recipients. People, groups, and nations feel no compunction to even say thank you, much less become allies and supporters anymore, instead opting to continue to engage in hostilities, be it active or guerrilla warfare
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