- Great Britain has upped the age requirements to see the movie ‘Mary Poppins.’ Apparently the crazy old sailor uses a word (twice) that is a Dutch slur for natives. I guess it’s safe to go visit the UK again.
- Heard a comedian say the other day he went to cash his very first paycheck as a pro. The cashier asked him if he wanted his money heads or tails. I can dang sure relate
- As tragic as the Georgia student killed by an illegal alien is, it’s not the only one…by any stretch of the imagination. Illegals directly murder,rape,rob, and who knows what else every damn day, but those are not political fodder. Pro tip: illegal aliens have ALL committed a crime by entering the nation without legal basis. They are rewarded with housing, money, food, medical needs, so why on God’s earth should they stop with just one felony? To survive, our nation MUST treat illegal aliens as criminals, with zero assistance from any government agency. Regardless of their nationality, skin color, religion, etc.
Equal protection for citizens starts by equal prosecution of criminals. Not a hard concept, at all
- This seems pretty counterproductive. We did our taxes the other day, just to find we no longer qualify for earned income credits at all, now that Deb is over 65. My mind sees this as a tax penalty for being senior citizens. Age discrimination maybe?
- Sadly there has been a noticeable uptick in shootings in this area. Oddly not one single shot was fired because of the gun; someone had it, and used it for criminal purposes. Perhaps guns aren’t the problems, since they don’t do anything by themselves.
- Continuing the notion that well placed academics are more likely than not to be morons is the story of a professor at Cal State strongly suggesting that Taylor Swift fans are racists…this imbecile is getting paid a TON of money to be a dumbass. Although I’ve been a dumbass for free, that service is no longer gratis, as I’ll need half of what she’s being paid to say things equally stupid
- This week so far has been hot, pleasant, hot, then near freezing. And it’s just Wednesday.
- Been reported Senate Majority ‘Leader’ Mitch McConnell is stepping down in November. He should has been gone 2 decades ago. Cocaine Mitch has for years waffled on every conservative (not republican, conservative) matter thrown his direction. We the people NEED younger representation but all we get are media mouthpieces regurgitating what news people tell them is American hot topics.
- The most impressive thing about the texas Panhandle fires is the response of other communities offering firefighters, equipment, land to hold cattle and horses, feed, whatever…all at no cost. There really are some magnificent humans in this part of the world.
- Interesting how this date, 29 February, rolls around once every four years…the same as Presidential elections. Two disasters in one year are plenty, so please change one or the other
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