Monday…The Day Of The Insane

 - So…Alec Baldwin gets away with it. Bet your last borrowed nickel if you or I would have accidentally shot and killed someone thru negligence, we’d have been in jail a while now. Somehow I don’t think his conscience will pay it much thought

- The most recent episode of “damn, can’t believe I did that” involved a percolator coffee pot and my forgetting to put the lid on it. 

- Seen: my resume is just a list of shit I never want to do again

- Sundays are typically the best day of the week.  For those who attend religious gatherings most are on Sunday… many of us can take a day to recoup from whatever, doing nothing without the nagging feeling you should be doing something…often a special meal set on Sunday…no annoying telemarketers… you name it, Sunday is a good day for it

- A traffic accident is usually thought of as the result of uncontrollable events.  I refute this. Accidents are the results of stupid decisions and not paying attention to things.  Some things I’ve witnessed being done by others, resulting in accidents, just this week, include

     * Driving over 80 in a blinding dust storm

     * Driving 45 in a 75 zone

     * Trying to merge into medium to heavy highway traffic while driving a Datsun Honey Bee that could not outrun a bicycle 

 - I’ll NEVER understand people. The other day while in the grocery store, an elderly lady using a walker asked if I could help her with an item out of her reach on the top shelf. So, I grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up a good foot and a half so she could reach it. Inexplicably she got mad, when she should have been concerned for the welfare of my back…but no

- In the continued tradition of this administration’s commitment to Americans, biden decided to order an evacuation of US citizens from Sudan, then has the unmitigated audacity to label the matter a success. I’m thinking the 16,000 of us he left behind might have a different opinion.  Perhaps they call it a success as we didn’t (to anyone’s knowledge) surrender $2 billion in weapons.

- I don’t know who said it first, but a widely neglected truth, more apropos now than ever: equal opportunity is not the same as equal outcome.

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...