- I do wonder if the political assassination of Trump would be occurring if he were not running for POTUS again. I bet the ranch the answer is no…he is the scapegoat for actual Americans who will, guaranteed, be next
- I don’t know which emotion is stronger: the abject disgust I have towards the democrats, or my depression because it seems there is no stopping an oncoming civil war. At this moment, I’d recommend every American who gives a single damn about our nation to be armed with deadly force, and pray to the Almighty we won’t need it to defend what’s left of our way of life
- Playing to mostly seniors, the idea of women flashing their boobs to the band has really lost some of its shine.
- Idea: Put “Wrong Way” signs on the backs of street signs on one way roads
- A transgender MtF (or maybe just a crossdresser…I don’t know) just ‘won’ an important Ladies PGA golf tournament in Australia. I’m forced to wonder if this biological male played from the men’s or women’s tee box.
- CEO of banking conglomerate JP Morgan Chase says governments should start seizing land and resources to speed up the transition to so called green energy. Goober says it’s taking too long, with a shortfall in investment funds.
Perhaps green energy is possibly seen as a huge ripoff by actual land owners? Nah
- Undercover hatred might be the most dangerous condition we face. Not just disagreements, certainly not social media humor, but campaigns designed to assail others at the personal level. We all (inclusive) might want to think twice, and really remember is ok to hate behaviors but not ok to hate the individual.
- It’s being reported that my little spot in the universe, Midland Tx, has the highest wage increases in the nation. Same report states we also have (again) the highest inflation rate in the nation. What is seemingly forgotten is the actuality that not everyone works in the oil and gas business. Many of us are partially or fully retired. Many are in civil service, many are in positions that don’t see the wage increases very often (if at all) but dang sure see the inflation.
The answers to these dilemmas are not feasible. I’ve heard everything from “just move then” to “then find a real job” (yes, I’m nearly 67, and people have actually said this stupid shit recently) I honestly have no clue as to what to do or how to do it, but tightening the proverbial belt isn’t always a pleasant or even plausible option.
- Genuine question regarding artificial intelligence: what will happen if/when machines are programmed to prioritize self preservation?
- Seems the hunt is on for a new whiskey. Jack Daniels has jumped on the transgender spokesperson bandwagon. Dammit. Makers Mark still is THE right stuff, but is pretty dang expensive. Some people say I should just give up drinking, seemingly unaware that it’s the state of the world that makes me need to (that and I just really LOVE good whiskey)
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