- Remember…when only police and military have guns, you no longer have a say so in your own life and safety. Also remember no level of gun control will stop bad people from having them and using them to do very bad things…also remember that gun control will basically turn several million law abiding citizens into felons overnight…also remember that under no circumstance or condition will I surrender mine
- It is my opinion that so called proxy votes in congress be outlawed.
- The primary electric service providers in the San Diego area either already have or planning to implement soon electric bills not based on usage, but income. As usual, a tax the rich scheme. Imagine life if/when they extend this to everything from food to clothing to gasoline.
Wait…they already have. Food stamps provide $ for edible necessities that I’ll NEVER have access to; shoplifting is basically legal when under an amount in the thousands; gas will be taxed into oblivion as soon as enough ‘electric’ cars are on the road.
21st century brings new, yet equally stupid, forms of fascism.
- Pretty sure the only way I’ll ever to to/through Austin again is: someone else is driving; Im heavily sedated to avoid telling Austin-ites what they need to hear (mostly GTFO of my state); I am under no legal, moral, or financial obligations to anyone in Travis County; my 2nd Amendment rights will be worn openly, publicly..with a warning sign saying ‘Caution: This sumbitch is crazy and trained to use it’
- An eastern New Mexico woman was convicted of throwing her newborn baby in a dumpster, as she just didn’t want it. She’s facing a year…one year…in prison. Our legal system does not have any provisions to add years to a sentence for acts of pure, unadulterated evil. The baby suffered some short term effects like exposure to cold and dehydration, but is otherwise ok. Now this piece of human trash wants visitation. This old man says hell NO.
- in late August/early September 1977, NASA launched 2 scientific ships called Voyager 1 and 2. Both of these are still operational, still making pretty amazing discoveries, still doing what they were designed to do. These ships are an astonishing testament to engineering and basically humanity. They both are +/- 15 billion miles from home and are by a long shot the furthest human made objects to have ever traveled.
Contrast that to appliances that break down 3 years after purchase, no cell service in parts of the house, new buildings collapsing before they can be completed, etc.
- Does anyone*really* know the facts about: who’s winning the Ukraine war; did the administration really wait until a Chinese spy balloon had completed its mission before being ‘shot down’; is there some nefarious reasoning behind the US economy crumbling or is it all unrelated events; why we the people tolerate a few thousand bureaucrats determining every single aspect of life and if so, why we allow them to turn life into a steaming pile of guano?
- Climate nazis are blaming rice for climate change…say more home runs in baseball is attributed to climate change…etc ad nauseum. One question: if herbivore animal farts are really a ‘measured cause’ of climate change that will happen one way or the other, isn’t it safe to say that converting humans to herbivores will increase methane releases as well?
- I keep reading crap about colonization, cultural appropriation, various supremacy, how each article in the Bill of Rights was authored to maintain slavery, etc. Y’all have a right be get more stupid each passing day, as well as the right to pronounce your stupidity to the world, forever…but stupidity for its own sake doesn’t do anyone any good. In fact, it’s having the opposite effect. I’m not going to pay ANY attention to someone who has displayed breathtaking ignorance often. And you must be trying to change my mind, right? Y’all keep talking at me and blaming me for things I didn’t/don’t do.
- Test paragraph only. Do not read
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