Monday, Oh Yeah

- What our nation could really benefit from: Constitutional amendment requiring the oath of office for ALL elected officials in the entire nation to swear they will address the needs of those legal residents in the areas that elected them. It just should not matter what a representative from a district in New York thinks the people in west Texas must do…it does not matter what a senator from California thinks farmers in Iowa must do..

Our government seems to no longer be of and for the people; it seems to be run by those with the biggest mouths and most aggressive media people.

 - I’ve never done this (yet) but I’m fairly sure zip tying a harmonica under someone’s truck may be the best practical joke seen in a long time. The only way to improve this would be to hide 5-6 harmonicas 

- Just read an article saying citizens in West Odessa are studying how to become an actual incorporated city. West Odessa is a unique situation. Obviously they don’t pay city taxes, only county; there are no zoning laws, so it’s not uncommon to see a falling down 1960s era mobile home on land 50 ft from a multi million dollar spread, separated by a functional oilfield pumpjack, etc. Some areas there look like,e decent enough settlements, some look like an abandoned district in Syria after 50 years of bombings.  There is no fresh water supply save for very iffy wells, no sewer service, well you get the idea.

Whatever they decide is fine with me.  Whichever way they go, best of luck

- Past few months I’ve seen ‘human interest’ stories about reportedly superstar level country music stars.  Surprise to no one is I’ve never heard of any of these people before.  The photos I’ve seen of these people make the so called superstars look like C list rappers or down right jezebels. Stop calling that stuff country music

- A ‘plan’ by the lil joe horror show is studying the feasibility of blocking the sun to combat climate change. So far, the sun, cow farts, the trucking industry, wood stoves, gas heaters, automobiles, Mexican food, light bulbs, and countless other daily items are endangering Earth to the point it will be unlivable in 10 years, the same mantra they’ve spewed for the past 50 yrs that I know of

- One concept I have difficulty understanding is vengeance.  Outside of practical jokes, that is. Under No conditions will a practical joke go unanswered…unless the gag is so epic that anything following would be anticlimactic 

- My nephrologist strongly advised I cut coffee consumption by over a half…cut way back on whiskey…slow down on cigarettes.  Next morning I gave it a shot - worst 45 minutes in recent memory.  I need to find a kidney doctor that encourages these things, but has a magic pill to cure my ails.

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 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...