
 - Oldie but a goodie: walked into a gas/convenience store  Marfa Tx, to refill coffee cup and take care of business.  Sign said “wet floor,” so I did and now I’m not allowed back there anymore.

- This Fetterman brouhaha is confusing. The dude is somewhat brain damaged by his own admission, and dresses like a damn slob to conduct Senate business. The people of Pennsylvania are the ones he represents, so it really should be up to them if he is their representative, not mine. The senate leadership lets him get away with dressing like a car wash attendant, therefore he doesn’t affect me in the slightest. If Texas senators dressed that way, however, I’d be leading the charge to have that disrespectful nitwit removed from everything 

- Been fighting a *real nasty* cold for a couple days now.  Hoping it clears up soon, as I just know how I’ll be able to stomach generic NyQuil anymore. Sneezing coughing so I can rest would be a proper and welcome thing

- We have GOT to stop treating political figures, sports figures, entertainment figures as deities.  Who Taylor Swift is dating does not affect me or mine in the slightest, it’s not my business to know the private lives of people well outside of my ability to vote for, etc.  Let’s pretend we are adults, even if for just a week, and focus on national events that do affect our bank accounts and overall security and safety

- Strange what people do in a doctors waiting room.  Wednesday waiting (and waiting and waiting) to be called when some fellow comes in wearing what can only be described as ratty 1980s pseudo-academic clothing carrying a book written by Noam Chomsky.  Fairly confident he and I were the only people in the waiting room who could speak English and/or knew who Noah Chomsky is, and I for one was just not impressed…in the least. But whatever.

- Watching the GOP candidate debate is simultaneously infuriating, depressing, and an 8 voice choir of absurd hopelessness.  The issues are the same that were issues 50 years ago, every topic being treated as a make or break litmus test, so nothing actually addressed to solve anything. We have met the enemy, and it ain’t us, as most of us have nothing in common with any candidate 

- Of course this is conjecture and opinion…but it seems that EVERY business CEO, politician, and whatnot with any financial ability to ensure our safety does so only if proposed measures don’t take any money out of their own pockets. We pay…they don’t. Unless a ‘leader’ is willing to put some green skin in the game, they aren’t leading, they are manipulating with their pockets being first and foremost 

- Saw an article about a ticket sales lady at a movie theater sold a ticket to a pig.  She asked “why do you want to see a movie.”  Pig replied “because I liked the book”

- So…an impeachment inquiry is underway looking to see if there’s anything that rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.  Yeah yeah yeah, but the way I see it this is an expensive payback for Trump era congress operating with the “impeach the motherf&*@ker”  And is likely another distraction by people who REALLY run things. Pretty sure future presidents will have impeachment charges lined up before they are as much as sworn in.

- In the meantime the house of “representatives” STILL hasn’t produced a budget to keep the federal government open past this Saturday…but they have the funds to host basically Kabuki theater hearings.  CAN WE PLEASE HAVE SOME GROWN UPS IN WASHINGTON DC?!?  There’s always money for opera but never for a two step.

- I’m wondering when Vivek Ramaswami is going to call Joe Biden out for his comment about 7-11 clerks being Indian, or murmurings of referring to him as a republican Apu from the Simpsons

Wednesday..Why Not?

 - I would have thought that someone in Texas had the foresight to introduce state legislation saying anyone is welcome to do business here, but not to a point it alters the political leanings of any particular area.  For example, Austin was a real cool place until the influx of techies, all of which brought their own people, thus altering the city from a thriving area to the single biggest shithole in the state.

- Biden ‘admin’ is using Bill Nye as a spokesman for something they call Climate Week. This is like using Kevin Costner as the national expert on cattle, Noah Wylie as the Surgeon General, and Daniel Radcliffe as Minister of Magic

- A gal named Haley Van Voorhis became the 1st female to play a college football game as a non-kicker. Granted, Division III small school, but she’s played a lifetime’s worth more games than almost 100% of our population.  Well done, Haley…and yeah, she made a positive difference in the game, and she does not look like a wildebeest.

- Identical twins in Odessa arrested for assaulting and causing physical harm to their mother over a video game being played on a computer…a teen girl in Odessa arrested at her high school. While searching her backpack for the stolen goods, a gun was found, on campus.  Odessa is rapidly becoming the Detroit of the south.

- Not so novel concept: if something bothers you, don’t partake.  Example…I abhor everything about brussel sprouts. Their look resembles pods from Alien movies, their smell is beyond my ability to suppress gag reflexes, etc.  But if you want them, go ahead, as I know you eating them is not a micro aggression, an assault, violence, attempted genocide.

The same goes for speaking and writing opinions.  Instead of reacting to different opinions by demanding they be removed, I simply don’t read or attend to them.  That’s how being an adult works

The same concept applies to political matters. Stop being such inane cretins. If someone says/prints something you don’t like or apply the whiner blanket ‘hate speech’ tag to, you are free to ignore it, Re Ute it, even fight for it…but your are NOT free to have it censored by the corporate government 

- Is there ANYTHING James Bond can’t do? I’d like to challenge him to mow my yard…take it from there

- The word bespoke has been re-emerging as something hip, made to order.  Remember artisanal from a couple years ago?  Same mania, typists will use it until it becomes a laughably passé and trite use.

- Read a really weird but plausible sequence of events:  Powers that be in socialist anarchist democrat establishment force Kamala Harris out pretty fast, replaced by California navel gazer Newsom.  As soon as  Newsom sworn in(perhaps same day) Biden is removed from office, and Gavin Newsom is sworn in as president, with the ambition to turn the entire nation into the steaming septic tank California is.

Remember, there is legal precedent. Gerald Ford was never elected to VP or POTUS, but held each office.

Monday…Back With A Vengeance

 - Some subhuman piece of filth threw 2 puppies into a tar pit in Odessa last week. I can’t bear to read full articles, as there are photos. Headlines say the pups were successfully rescued and are recovering well.

We have more and more examples of ‘humans’ torturing the innocent just for kicks. Rabbit punching elderly and handicapped, torturing animals, etc. Sadly I don’t see this ever changing. It’s not new, though. We as a species have not evolved much in the last 2500 yrs, if it all.

- So…the plumbers came on Wednesday to fix Niagara Falls Midland Edition under the house.  Problem is neither of them could fit in the crawl space under the house.  Had to cut another hole and work their way there…thank god we don’t have a slab. FWIW these guys seem to know their trade.

-Seen: they said I should get as excited about church as I do football games. Seems dumping 5 gallons of Gatorade on the pastor after his sermon was over wasn’t what they meant.

- Political vengeance is destroying/has already destroyed the idea known as the United States. Current beltway mentality seems stuck on getting even or getting ahead.  On one hand we are being told to just forget events like 9/11, but in the same breath being told if we don’t approve of reparations for things 150 yrs ago we are hate filled racists…more man hours and tax dollars seem to be spent on ‘investigating’ opposing parties than are spent on actual programs for the American citizen…the Constitution seems to be  a weapon, not sets of protections.  

I’m genuinely open to how this will get fixed. IMO unless fixed and soon, there won’t be anything left. It appears that electing new members of congress is like new deck chairs for a sinking ship.

- I don’t know what’s worse: media names that genuinely believe the bullshit they spew, or those who just do what they are told to cash a substantial paycheck, regardless of their true reactions and leanings.  I think at this point it’s a dead even tie in a race no one believes is being run

- Dawned on me the other day that it’s ok to not care what other people think.  It’s NOT ok to give up and not care what you think. Personal standards lead to some real respect by others

- About ready to move to the next level in the quest to being a non smoker.  Already feeling the physical (and financial) effects of going from 1.5 packs a day to 5-6 a day. Continued shoutout to my petite bride, as she seems ahead of me in the quest to be non smokers.

- Everyone needs a helping hand now and then…but when one asks, then demands, then threatens me with harm if I don’t provide help, well, that’s when my mean streak comes to life in all its glory.  I promise it won’t end for you.


 - I love seeing people walk their dogs.  I hate seeing those people allowing (encouraging?) their dogs to conduct business on other people’s property. They say dogs are like family, children…but would you take Aunt Sally or Junior just to take a dump on somebody else’s yard? 

- It’s difficult to pin down exact moments in societal history at which things immediately turned downward, but one such moment was when the term “micro aggression “ stopped being a punchline and became a battle cry.  If one has to parse every word or action they are exposed to, that person is not rational, sane, or adult enough…and their whining making headlines and policies shows we aren’t much more rational, sane, or adult either.

- I’ve read that POTUS candidate Donald Trump has mentioned (more than once) SD governor Kristi Noem as a strong contender for VP choice. On the surface this looks enticing but IMO would be a real downfall for future conservative policies.  While DTs policies are no doubt beneficial, he is a magnet for personal destruction politics. My gut tells me Noem’s political career would be over if she is chosen and accepts such a nomination. We need her personally and politically for many years to come

If you’ve paid any attention she’s already been targeted as a threat to progressives with allegations of extra marital goings on, not coincidentally with a member of Trump’s inner circle.

- Still trying to grasp that people born in 2001 have NO reference point to 9/11…and that they are legal adults able to vote, buy booze and cigarettes, and like wines have lots of potential that can only develop with age

- As of this writing, my trek to quit smoking is holding fast, with no more than 7 ultra light cigs (usually less) is standing firm, being less than 2/3s of what I was inhaling in full strength smokes. The plan is to dramatically reduce nicotine, but not enough to cause my body and brain to go into nicotine cessation shock. Another week of this, and I should be able to reduce that further to 3-4 a day until I’m done.

Yes, I’ve had some GRRRR moments but as of now, I’ve been able to control them. The amazing thing is Deb is on the same schedule!  No smoking in house except under kitchen vent fan…I’ve outlawed smoking in my truck. Thus far between the two of us, we’ve kept over $120 of our dinero that was previously spent elsewhere.  Hell yes

- I’ve started watching some pro football this season again…and 3 things continue to pop out in my mind: a) what’s with the huge increase in players choosing numbers like 0, 1, etc? b) seeing players sharing the same numbers as past greats is kind of odd, c) league should adopt a policy that players with dreadlocks or whatever hiding their jersey names should not have names on their jerseys.

- In Monday tradition we got a visit from Midland Customer Service, regarding ‘extreme high water usage’ compared to other months.  Very pleasant gentleman measured our water flow, discovered we are leaking 1/2 gallon a minute. That’s a lot of water = that’s a lot of money.  All I can say pending inspection and repair of offending pipe(s) is well, shit.

Seems the offending leak is under front bathroom floor, requiring some surgical intervention. Offending leak also bypasses the main house valve somehow (no idea how) so water to house is off until repaired. 

- California has filed suit against five major oil companies for perpetuating climate change, demanding massive financial settlements and compels oil companies to ‘pay their fair share’ of damages in future ‘man made climate change’ events.  At this point I would not blame oil companies if they refused to sell their products anymore in that state. Petroleum based products are already astronomically high, making a big dent in society en Toto…forcing oil to pay billions more in fees, taxes, whatever will only render gas prices so high no one can afford it, except the very wealthy.

Which…in my opinion, is the point

- Seriously…how do you lose an $80 million F35 fighter? 

- Sasheen Littlefeather was the woman posing as a Yaqui tribal member for an Oscars stunt involving Marlon Brando way back when…No one said she was guilty of cultural appropriation, not have progressives tried to decimate Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Dolenzal, or anyone else who attempts to use invented ethnic/racial ties for personal gain. 

- For decades I’ve done business with a company that shipped everything UPS. Everything from refrigerator sized recording consoles to a package of guitar picks arrived in 2-3 days, free of shipping charges. Now, UPS has ‘partnered’ with the postal system, and items that used to arrive 2-3 days take 7-10 days, and online tracking as efficient as a square tire.  

- No blog Friday…work schedule ya know. See ya Monday-ish

Hell Yes It’s Monday

 - I’m always untrusting of some things.  How folks who wear $150 shoes, drive a $75,000 vehicle, expensive haircuts, etc, receive food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, etc.  How some folks park in a handicap spot, jump out looking like a starting linebacker for the Cowboys…How some people expect me to pay them tithes, taxes, whatever, and those people have an exponentially higher standard of living than I do…

Not envious, at all…just curious how people develop such gall.

- It’s amazing how people ‘being themselves, striving for individuality’ has resulted in almost everyone looking, dressing, acting the same.

- Do taxing entities prioritize themselves or the people paying said taxes?  IMO organizations that have the power to enforce ‘pay up or else’ policies *must* take the needs/abilities of those paying over their own.  Taxing entities should be able to accurately show where citizen’s money is being spend, why, and what steps are underway to minimize tax burdens.

Remember we aren’t just talking about federal taxes. Every local gasoline tax, property tax, sales tax, school tax, you name it has a cumulative effect on those of us paying them, and when inflation is stupidly high like now, those taxes become a double or triple whammy to OUR wallets

- Psoriasis commercials always promise clear skin…that’s misleading. I’ve never seen anyone with invisible skin. I think I’d remember

- It’s now a crime and fireable offense to “misgender” someone…shouldn’t that apply to those pretending to be a gender they aren’t? 

- Now THIS is a crime: state of Oregon has eliminated proficiency requirements in reading, math, and writing to graduate with a HS diploma. What’s the point of awarding a diploma if the only requirement is to exist? 

- There really needs to be a standard: mens rooms in public places should ALWAYS be either right or left door everywhere in the state.  None of this Willy nilly. BTW I hope you got the jokes.

- Septembers are always crap shoots when it comes to playing outdoor gigs.  Weather forecasts are generally predicting rain when there is none, and fail to predict 5 days torrential downpours.  We got lucky this past weekend, doing 2 outdoor things in a 12 hours span.

- In the day and age of SUVs and pickups, actual cars are becoming rarities. Seems there are more Chargers, Cameros, and Mustangs on the roads than any other…and the number of newish Corvettes seems higher now than at any point, ever.  Things like gas mileage kings and super safety featured cars just don’t have much of an appeal, at least in the areas I drive (much of west Texas, from around Amarillo to San Angelo area to Big Bend…)


 - I’m seriously working to quit smoking. Although the health benefits are purported to be obvious and fairly immediate, my motivation is simple.  Damn things are $10 a pack, $300 a month.  Screw that. Yeah, this only started fairly early Monday morning, but I’ve been planning it a couple months. Ashtrays in house and my truck are washed and put away. Been doing a serious taper off with the help of long expired Nicorette …I will succeed.

- Regarding Sep 11: times were when *everyone* was flying a flag, either physically or online.  Now, (thumbnail statistic) maybe 5%.  What changed for y’all that don’t attend to it any longer? I’m not criticizing at all, just curious. We seem to remember Pearl Harbor well enough.

- I think it bears repeating: when people who’s occupations are supposed to be humble live extravagantly, but don’t, they’ve (to me) proven their fraudulent intend. So called religious leaders living in mansions…politicians driving million dollar automobiles…civil servants serving only themselves…etc.

I understand religion is big business, but at least have the honesty to say so. I understand government is basically business that has the lethal force ability to enforce what s basically it’s own corporate policies, but at least be honest enough to say so

- Apparently one of the biggest lithium deposits on earth has been found in continental US…not sure what the big deal is, as regardless of its potential democrats will prohibit exploitation…can you say oil? This, like everything else, will become a political turd 

- For those who said Jan 6 was as tragic if not more so than 9/11, please GFY with an artillery round

- Do people still roll jeans that are too long into cuffs?  If not they should

- Rained a bit Monday evening.  Not much, but the relief in temperature was literally a God send

- Progressives should just quit dicking around and refer to themselves as Marxists.  All they do is show their collective ass, and have not progressed our nation one micro nanometer forward…just the opposite, really. Everything they’ve touched has turned into a steaming pile almost overnight. San Francisco, Austin, Portland, Lord knows where else were once shining examples of urban life, but now they are not much more than taxpayer cesspools.

So what triggered this de-evolution? Hard to say as the vast majority or researchers are Marxists themselves, so anything they produce is likely tainted propaganda.  My take is the tolerance, if not encouragement of things like Occupy Wall St, blm, defunding police, sanctuary for those breaking the laws of man and nature, etc, all happened at relatively once. These things share many characteristics but the one thing they ties them together is the designed lack of endgame.

Protests against Vietnam had ending an unjust unnecessary war…peaceful civil rights protests in the 60s just wanted everyone to be seen as an equal. Measurable outcomes.  Now people just want to raze everything in their path, and nothing can satisfy that incessant need to destroy. 

- Todays installment of “well…damn” features Aaron Rodgers.  Some may know that he is a brilliant quarterback, having played with Green Bay for several years before demanding to be traded.  Rodgers ended up at the Jets, significantly raising their hopes of a playoff run.  As it goes, Rodgers played exactly 4 plays before suffering a season ending injury. I guess the Jets wasted a TON of money on that.

- No Friday stuff this week…see ya either in Lubbock, on the road, or in nightmares…but I’ll be someplace

September 11

 - Hell no I won’t forget…what they did, and what we did as a response.

- The term ‘will of the people’ no longer has any valid application. Elected officials have lost the requirement to serve our wants and needs, and are now for all intents and purposes our masters. They have carte Blanche authority to lie, scam us, manipulate us like PlayDoh. They get things for free the rest of us pay out the wazoo for, and jail people for disagreeing with them…all the while manipulating the rules to make them wealthy.

This HAS TO STOP. If we don’t return to actual federated constitutional republic ways in a hurry, there will be nothing left worth saving.

- To wit: the a-holes in DC are considering ways to force illegal aliens to remain in Texas instead of being bussed or just moving to other areas. How is this remotely legal? Since when did Texas become the sacrificial lamb for piss poor constitutional adherence? Hell if this goes in effect I’m likely to load a few in the back of my truck and drive them to Virginia my own damn self

As testing went on, my VA doctor said "I'm not quite certain what's wrong with you yet, but I think it may be the result of heavy drinking." 

So i said "That's OK, Doc- I'll just come back when you're sober!"

- New Mexico governor put a 30 day ban on carrying any firearms, of applying for a gun license, etc.  the Constitution seems to have an asterisk there.  She implemented the ban in Albuquerque, saying her adherence to the US Constitution is “not absolute.”  Congratulations NM…you now have a tyrant in charge.

- The other day the hot wife and I were running errands…typical Midland traffic.  Sitting at a red light we kept hearing something that resembled a REAL muscle car from the 60s-70s, but all I could see was an ocean of me-too SUVs.  When the light turned, saw one of them accelerate and pass me, saw it was an electric SUV with…get this…sound effects mimicking said performance engine.  All I could do was laugh

- With inclusive hiring practices now spreading like cancer in society, perhaps it’s time to apply that “do it or else” mentality to pro sports. There MUST be a population correct percentage of whites (!), trans, etc in every football and basketball team. If corporate America, government, military, must be inclusive, so should sports. Performance and ability must take a back seat to demographics (see how stupid this is?)

- I’m still amazed at how people spend money on pickup trucks and never, ever, under any circumstance, use them for doing pickup truck stuff. Of course people can buy and use whatever they want, but in reality if you don’t have a need for one, pickups are kind of stupid.

Fun Time Friday

 - Laws are ambiguous.  Traffic speed laws for example. If you drive 83 in a 75 MPH zone, every police officer in the state will just leave you alone, so is the limit actually 75? In some areas police don’t even respond to retail thefts unless the value stolen *per thief* is $1500 or more…a female teacher was set loose with no jail time after being convicted of having sex with one of her current students…so it stands to reason that retailers are basically forced to give away items costing less and if accused has a ‘valid reason’ to commit crime they walk scot free. People who are caught and charged are set free without repercussions, so what was the point of apprehension, what was the point of having laws in the first place?

The point is to try and justify elected and appointed lawmakers, ensuring their healthy paychecks and benefits that come out of OUR pockets. Put another way we are being scammed at every turn

- I wonder if any one group of people control the GPS system. It would really upset the world if that group decided to monkey around with it, or just start charging a huge subscription fee.  Paper maps are essentially worthless as they are outdated before leaving the printers, but paper maps don’t tell who/whatever exactly where we are in real time, either.  

- Deb and I have gotten back to eating supper at the dining room table (instead of in room with TV), and just playing Scrabble or some such afterwards, instead of relying on the 500 channel idiot box. Life is so much better.

- How do telemarketers find people to work? How do scam callers get paid? Who on earth dreams of being a telemarketer as a child?  How low must your self esteem be to do that?

- The UN now has a new term for weather: climate breakdown.  How much do we spend on these dipshits again? (Answer…last full count, $12.5 billion) For the record, I’ll say outrageously stupid stuff for a mere $1 million and call it science.

- Is there a specific age or developmental state at which a stately elderly gentleman becomes an old geezer? Asking for a friend

- It’s not too early to start thinking about Christmas gifts…yeah, I know, don’t kill the messenger.

- US government pledges $520 million to Ukraine to rebuild a clearer and more resilient infrastructure.  In the meantime Maui residents have likely run out of their $700 ‘quit yer bitching’ stipend. Priorities 

- Told Deb I was going in the back to play with guitar toys.  She said she remember when I had 1 guitar, one amp, and 2 pedals…and hate to say it but she’s right. Life was so much simpler, no option anxiety. I really need to work on figuring out what I *need* vs what I *think I need*.  There just may be a big ol garage sale in the very near future

- So…Hunter Biden will be indicted on federal gun charges for fibbing on some paperwork.  Big friggin deal.  Seems to this guy indictments are no more than political revenge anymore.  Refer to above paragraph, then ask how was this in any way related to the safety of the American population. Short answer: it wasn’t…just another case of law being used as a political weapon. 

- California senate just passed a bill stating parents who do not affirm (whatever that is) their child’s gender choices have created an unsafe environment and are subject to having their children forcibly removed from their home and control. I recall the only time I was in an unsafe home environment is when I did something that resulted in an ass whooping from mom or dad…trust me there is a looooooooong list of those things.  Many of those things are I’m still apologizing  for.

- So Bill Gates spends a ton of money on Bud Light…this move is the beer equivalent of Windows Vista, I.E., stupid.

Wednesday, Welcome to September

 - Sometimes I wish I had developed the disciplines, insights, and processings I seem to have now much earlier in life…instead of being the card carrying dipshit I was. But then I remember if I had not have gone thru decades of drunken amoral stupidity I would not have what I have now, which is to me is now priceless. 

- Joe Biden…Donald Trump…Diane Feinstein…Mitch McConnell…Chuck Grassley…ALL of them are too damn old to be in national leadership. Maxine Waters…AOC…Hank Johnson…Adam Schiff…ALL of them are too damn stupid to be in national leadership.  Perhaps a 100% turnover driven by a legitimate election system is in order

- The Christian Bible says God made man in his own image. What does this mean?  In spite of objections by others, I believe this means humans have the capacity to understand things in the abstract, not only the superficial salient level. Other creatures on our planet cannot envision nor create art, music, nor ponder their own purpose. No other creatures can affect their future like humans, but lately we are affecting that future in an obvious negative direction. No other creature can de-evolve like humans.

- I don’t wake up in the mornings as well as I used to…example, couple times last month I put on a Carhartt t shirt as soon as I woke up, and thought ‘why the hell is the pocket on the back?’  Indeed

- Deb and I will watch a tv series and look up interesting facts about the cast members. It’s a quirk.

- If they can make cheese dispensable from cans, why not other stuff…like ribeye steaks, peanut butter, pressurized butter spread, etc?

- Seen: it’s interesting that if you walk north long enough, eventually you’ll be walking south, but if you walk east, you’ll never end up walking west.

- Another sanctuary city, Chicago, is flipping out over the strain illegals put on their (whats left of...) society.  Gosh, if only there was a way to keep illegal aliens from being here in the first place...

- I don’t wonder very often what skillet fried buzzard tastes like…but I have wondered.

- I’m confident in suggesting the entire Biden administration has suffered debilitating and brain killing strokes en masse. The Sec of Transportation suggesting now that cars/trucks are not only killing the planet each time they start up, but private ownership is no more than systemic racism…a slap in the face to those who cannot afford them (implying that only whites are capable of working their asses off and making enough money to buy them.)  I swear, even in my heaviest drug use days, I would not have thought up something this stupid…and I was mighty stupid back then.

- Read a good question asked by a 12 yr old: if she donated her hair to Locks of Love, and the recipient then committed a crime, could the police use the DNA from her donation?

- Dear country music fans: stop calling yourselves country music fans until guys like Gary Stewart rip your heart out. Pretty much everything else is simply marketed fluff intended for flat billed hat wearing doofuses who would not know country if it em bit on the ass. Take that Kane Brown, Florida Georgia crap and admit you are a rap fan.  It’s ok, we all like what we like.

But don’t tell me this stuff is country music. Don’t tell me a hyper processed salad in a burger.  Don’t tell me we’ve got a strong economy when everything is basically double in cost compared to 3 years ago. Stop talking to Americans like we are idiots

Friday Finale

 - The young fella booted from class for sporting a Gadsden flag has mostly won…as the ‘school’ reversed its policy of banning symbols of Revolutionary War American patriotism 

- Canada has issued a travel advisory warning anyone not heterosexual and following genetic gender behaviors to avoid traveling to the US. Their decision was as easy as Eh-B-C.

- I find it incredible that certain businesses will not serve on duty law enforcement officers, and basically prohibit them from entering their establishments while armed.  You’d think a) bad guys would hit this places with some regularity and b) 911 services would have these places tagged as “do not respond.” Lord knows I will never, under any circumstance, patronize these people

- An Odessa woman was arrested for trying to steal items from (where else) Walmart. She then stole a motorized buggy to make her getaway. Needless to say she was caught pretty easily and at last look was still cooling her jets in the Ector County jail. Needless to say our region is getting measurably dumber by the hour. Pretty soon anyone that can recognize their own name 3 out of 5 times will be the norm

-  Make sure you switch to felt Stetsons (if you follow that sort of thing) Monday…I *likely* will on days under 95.

- Imagine the damage done to our nation, our citizens, our very existence, if lil joe biden had not been on vacation 40% of his time in office.

- Whether it is government misconduct, personal lives, professional decisions, whatever: when we keep re-examining what other people did or didn't do, there is no time left to contemplate what we could do going forward.

- Mann oh Mann, the jokes...In a forgotten part of a forgotten ocean lies an island which is best known for its hospital and rehabilitation facility for raptors. Also of note in the area is the rare species of dolphins that live forever. The eagles at the facility are excellent craftsbirds, producing various items that are highly prized by the dolphins. An enterprising Colobus monkey on the island has started a business delivering the items. One day she runs across a sleeping lion on jungle path. She gingerly steps over the lion to continue her delivery. Immediately a highway patrolman steps out of the jungle and gives her a ticket for transporting ill eagle goods over a staid lion for immortal porpoises. (Thanks Gordie Tapp)

- An ongoing debate on a guitarist oriented website asks are musicians considered artists.  In general I don’t believe so but there are exceptions. Chet Atkins, Tommy Emmanuel, just to name a couple. What do we expect from a profession that calls its endeavor ‘play?’

Doctors, lawyers have businesses known as practices, but when a guitarist practices it usually means he’s trying to get better at his profession. The overwhelming majority or guitarists don’t do so for income, and there’s always someone who thinks they can do it better (because there is)

- People moving here for *whatever* reason should remember they are refugees, not missionaries. If you want to bring the word of where you were with you, then stay there…and quit screwing up everything here. Doesn’t matter if you come here from Guatemala, California, or China, leave that shit there or don’t bother.

- Interesting discussion: do people on the dance floor really care that someone is playing a $2500 guitar, custom built amp, and so on, or do they care the guitar parts are good are tasteful, genre appropriate, in tune, and played with some actual feeling?

- See you next week…in September…taking Labor Day off, so should you


 - SCOTUS unanimously stated states do NOT have Constitutional authority to prohibit national candidates.  The thing that amazes me is it to...