- Oldie but a goodie: walked into a gas/convenience store Marfa Tx, to refill coffee cup and take care of business. Sign said “wet floor,” so I did and now I’m not allowed back there anymore.
- This Fetterman brouhaha is confusing. The dude is somewhat brain damaged by his own admission, and dresses like a damn slob to conduct Senate business. The people of Pennsylvania are the ones he represents, so it really should be up to them if he is their representative, not mine. The senate leadership lets him get away with dressing like a car wash attendant, therefore he doesn’t affect me in the slightest. If Texas senators dressed that way, however, I’d be leading the charge to have that disrespectful nitwit removed from everything
- Been fighting a *real nasty* cold for a couple days now. Hoping it clears up soon, as I just know how I’ll be able to stomach generic NyQuil anymore. Sneezing coughing so I can rest would be a proper and welcome thing
- We have GOT to stop treating political figures, sports figures, entertainment figures as deities. Who Taylor Swift is dating does not affect me or mine in the slightest, it’s not my business to know the private lives of people well outside of my ability to vote for, etc. Let’s pretend we are adults, even if for just a week, and focus on national events that do affect our bank accounts and overall security and safety
- Strange what people do in a doctors waiting room. Wednesday waiting (and waiting and waiting) to be called when some fellow comes in wearing what can only be described as ratty 1980s pseudo-academic clothing carrying a book written by Noam Chomsky. Fairly confident he and I were the only people in the waiting room who could speak English and/or knew who Noah Chomsky is, and I for one was just not impressed…in the least. But whatever.
- Watching the GOP candidate debate is simultaneously infuriating, depressing, and an 8 voice choir of absurd hopelessness. The issues are the same that were issues 50 years ago, every topic being treated as a make or break litmus test, so nothing actually addressed to solve anything. We have met the enemy, and it ain’t us, as most of us have nothing in common with any candidate
- Of course this is conjecture and opinion…but it seems that EVERY business CEO, politician, and whatnot with any financial ability to ensure our safety does so only if proposed measures don’t take any money out of their own pockets. We pay…they don’t. Unless a ‘leader’ is willing to put some green skin in the game, they aren’t leading, they are manipulating with their pockets being first and foremost
- Saw an article about a ticket sales lady at a movie theater sold a ticket to a pig. She asked “why do you want to see a movie.” Pig replied “because I liked the book”
- So…an impeachment inquiry is underway looking to see if there’s anything that rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. Yeah yeah yeah, but the way I see it this is an expensive payback for Trump era congress operating with the “impeach the motherf&*@ker” And is likely another distraction by people who REALLY run things. Pretty sure future presidents will have impeachment charges lined up before they are as much as sworn in.
- In the meantime the house of “representatives” STILL hasn’t produced a budget to keep the federal government open past this Saturday…but they have the funds to host basically Kabuki theater hearings. CAN WE PLEASE HAVE SOME GROWN UPS IN WASHINGTON DC?!? There’s always money for opera but never for a two step.
- I’m wondering when Vivek Ramaswami is going to call Joe Biden out for his comment about 7-11 clerks being Indian, or murmurings of referring to him as a republican Apu from the Simpsons